Chapter 4: A Trial to remember?

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(During Chapter 2, I got confused of what Map was The Doctor's. His map is the Treatment Theater [Lery's Memorial Institute] and The Nurse's map is the Disturbed Ward [Crotus Prenn Asylum.])


Frisk POV

I made my way through the building avoiding The Doctor. I met three other Survivors in here too.

Claudette Morel, David King, and Ace Visconti. They said they never seen me here before, but they helped me anyways.

They taught me how to repair a Generator, which was easier than I thought. (I won't explain it.)

Generators were the way to escape and 5 needed to be repaired. We had to repair 5/7 Generators to power the two Exit Gates.

As me and David were walking through the halls, we were looking for a generator.

"Oh, there's one over there!" I said pointing to a generator across the hall, but then our heartbeats went up.

The Doctor came from a doorway from the left. He spotted both off us.

"Run!" David said running but I didn't. "Hey! What are you doing!?"

I turned to him.

"I can handle this!" I said bravely filled with... Determination.

"But you're gonna get yourself seriously injured!" David said but was cut off by The Doctor swinging, but missed.

David ran off while I stood there.

The Doctor looked at me tilting his head. I guess Survivors never were brave enough to stand in front of a Killer.

He swung his weapon at me, but I moved out of the way dodging it. He seemed surprised if his already wide eyes and grin didn't show it already.

He swung again and missed. The Doctor seemed to be getting annoyed.

David and Ace watched with shocked expressions as I dodged The Doctor's attacks.

"How is she- How!?" Ace said surprised.

"I... I don't even know." David said watching.

As the Doctor missed a few more off his swings, he stepped back. A high pitched laugh escaping his mouth.

He raised his hand up into a fist, electricity in his palm. He released the electricity as the ground charged up. That I couldn't dodge.

I let out a scream as I got shocked and started to run. David and Ace were already running.

The Doctor continued to shock as we ran. Whenever The Doctor tried to hit me, I dodged it.

The entire time Claudette was repairing generators. Two generators were done during the time The Doctor was chasing me. We might escape!

A third generator was finished as The Doctor got closer to me. I got prepared to dodge, but he walked past me?

He was going for David and Ace!

"Guys! Watch out!" I yelled as they heard me. "He's coming for you!"

They heard and ran in opposite directions. They screamed as The Doctor shocked and hit them.

After they were gone, I went to find Claudette.





No one POV

It was morning and Sans, Papyrus, and Asriel were starting to wake up.

Sans yawned and looked at every... one? Two were missing!

"Uhh..." Sans said then woke up Papyrus. "Pap, wake up!"

"Nyeh? Sans? What is it?" Papyrus asked as he sat up. Asriel was waking up too.

"It's an emergency! Frisk and Chara are missing!" Sans said panicked.

"WHAT!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY'RE MISSING!" Papyrus yelled panicked too.

"They're missing. They're not here!"


"No... no, we can find them. We just have to look hard." Sans said as he got up.

"We have to find them."


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