chapter ~25~

34 8 4

Emily had just closed her office when she heard a notification from her phone, she pulled out her phone to see a message from Emily , she had texted her her address. Soon a new message popped up on the phone screen and it was Emily again informing her that she had been discharged from the hospital.

Ashley quickly replied " Sure, I will be there in 30 minutes, take care see you later  "

"Mummy" Emma screamed as she gave her mom a bone crashing hug.

Ashley's face broke into a wide grin returning the hug.
She pulled away from the hug and she asked Emma "how was school today"

"Mummy school was okay , today teacher has read us a nice book again" Emma replied instantly.

"Ohhh" Ashley quickly remembered that she never thanked Mrs Cassandra for giving Emma a book , she face palmed herself mentally.

"Okay Emma let's first go to Mrs Cassandra I didn't thank her for the book she gave you."

Cassandra was seated on her desk when she saw Ashley coming in her direction, she looked at her in awe, Emma Ashimore was that kind of a kid every teacher would like to teach, she was understanding, smart and friendly. Whenever Ashley would come late for her, she would stay with her and she proved to be a  really  nice company, she had that ability to draw a smile on your face even when you didn't feel like. She really adored Ashley for having such a wonderful daughter.

Ashley's lips curved into a smile "Hey Cassandra ?"

"Hey Ashley" Cassandra replied with the same vibrance.

Ashley looked over at Emma ruffling her hair playfully "my daughter told me that you gave her a book, I dropped by to say thank you"

Cassandra peeped at Emma and sent a warm smile in her way "Ohhh Ashley its really nothing , you are welcome"

The two ladies continued with their small chat for a while before Ashley bid her farewell.

"Emma we are visiting my friend first and then we go home later" Ashley told Emma on their way to Emily's place.

Emma's eyes flickered in happiness " Mummy you also have a friend now, I promise to be a good girl when I meet her" She exposed her extremely white teeth.

Ashley laughed "Emma I do have friends also, you thought I didn't ..huh? "

Emma shook her head immediately "No mummy just that you never mentioned about her yet me I tell you my new friends" She faked annoyance.

Ashley scoffed "okay Emma we drop it" She fetched an Apple from her bag "Eat it, you might be slightly hungry"

"Thank you mummy" Emma said and she immediately took a bite.

The cab pulled in front of a two story house, the green nature surrounding it gave it a really wealthy and peaceful look. Ashley looked at the simple house in appreciation, she didn't know Emily lived in such a peaceful place.

"Mummy your friend lives here?" Emma asked.

Ashley laughed "I think so ...let me get out my phone and tell her we are here."

She pressed the phone on her right ear and on the third ringing, it was picked up

"Ashley, are you here?"  Emily asked.

"We are right here outside"

"We..? With  who?" Emily questioned.

It then came to Ashley's  understanding, she realised  that she didn't tell Emily that she had a daughter, her eyes widened in fear, she thought about how Emily was going to take in the fact that she is a mother.

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