chapter ~18~

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Ashley stormed out of the work place at a very great speed, she couldn't wait to go to the hospital to see Emily. She got curious, annoyed and confused glances but she didn't care, excitement had blinded her and she only thought about Emily at that point. She bumped into bodies and she just replied with a quick I am sorry please.

Well it sounded as though she was over assuming friendship on Emily because they had just met not even a month had past, but friendship isn't about someone you had known for a very long period of time, its about that someone who comes into your life and makes  you  feel loved, happy and not judged at all, that person who accepts all your imperfections, mood swings, pointless drama and still sticks with you,that is a true friend. To be frank for the first time in years Ashley had felt the need of friendship because Emily was really a nice person. They didn't know about each other that deep, personal wise but Ashley hoped that  when everything got fine, when she no longer got the fear she felt though no one could sense it , when she stopped the running , she was to tell her about it.

She hailed  a cab and she gave the driver the address and the cab immediately sped off.

When Ashley reached the hospital , she headed straight to the  reception.
The receptionist who looked to be in her early twenties welcomed her with her warm smile "Hey Madam good afternoon, how can I help you?"

"Umm, good afternoon too, I am here to see a  patient called  Emily Sanchester , she was brought in this hospital today morning  ." Ashley replied instantly without missing a word, she was anxious to see Emily.

"Okay let me check and see the details " The receptionist checked in her computer noted something on a paper. She got a phone "Hey doctor Nancy may you please direct me to the ward where Emily Sanchester is , she has a visitor" She hmmed as the  doctor on the receiving end told her something.

"Okay let me ask her" She held the phone in her hands and she looked at Ashley who was getting bored with the whole situation "Madam may I get to know your names please"

"Ashley Simpson" She almost snapped at the receptionist.

The receptionist put the phone back on her ear and she  told the doctor on the receiving end Ashley's names , then she listened for about more two minutes before she hung up.

"Okay you expected, go to level two in ward 12 , thank you _ "

"You are welcome " Ashley cut her off and she hurried off to level two. She knew she acted a bit rude, but she had grown  impatient with the whole procedure, it was as if she had some dangerous weapons.

When Ashley reached level two, she started to look for ward twelve, the hallway was busy, nurses with patient cards moving around in their uniforms . Her eyes kept on examining  the card numbers on the wards  until she saw one  labeled 12 on the door. Without wasting time, Ashley knocked on  it.

"Come in " a weak female voice  inside the ward replied.

Ashley eagerly opened the door and she closed it behind her slowly making sure that it didn't make noise for Emily.
She moved closer  and when she got the  proper view of her face she gasped, what the hell had happed to Emily that night , she had cuts on her face okay they were  not deep but still visible to see,  her left eye was swollen and the corner of her lips had cracks.

Ashley observed her closely with wide eyes, "Oh My God Emily , what happened to you?" Her voice came out as a whisper.

Emily didn't say anything , she just looked at her back. Ashley raised her eyebrows at her but again she didn't answer her, she looked as if Ashley wasn't even in the room in front of her, her eyes were focused on her but her minds weren't there.

Ashley slowly picked her hand up and held it in her "Emily please what really happened to you, you just look like..... , I don't even know "

"Ashley he almost raped me " As soon as   Emily said that ,  big warm drops left her eyes and they rolled down her cheeks.

Ashley's eyes widened, was Emily at the verge of being raped, had she heard her right?? She looked at Emily who had tears in her eyes, she gave a hand a little squeeze before she sat at the small space on her hospital bed and she pulled her into a careful but yet passionate hug, she had so many words to tell her but she knew that moment was not for  talking , Emily was hurting and she just needed a hug and someone to lean on to know that she wasn't alone, someone was  there for her.

Emily cried and sobbed loudly  she kept on asking questions like Ashley ,

"Why me ?"

"Why is everything coming to me , my husband is divorcing me for another woman, and now some bastard wanted to rape me, "

"Why is my life full of drama"

"Ashley what have I ever done to deserve this kind of life"

"Ashley why??" She asked the questions in deep sorrow with tears raining out of her eyes cats and dogs, she lazily boxed Ashley's chest in pain, she was  hurting.

Ashley just held her and kept on telling her soothing words "Everything will be okay Emily " "Don't worry am right here with you"

Her own eyes teared up too, because she knew what Emily was going through. She knew  that she wasn't upset for the rape attempt on her because it even didn't happen, but she had deep unseen cuts in her heart which were bleeding, she just couldn't stand the pain they inflicted on her, she just couldn't stay strong anymore, because the truth was that she had tolerated it for so much time and it was the time to let it all out, to set herself free.

After a while Emily loosened her hold on Ashley , she slowly lifted up eyes and she looked at Ashley, her cheeks were still wet and some fresh tears rolled down on them " Ashley why are you helping me , why are you being so good to me? She asked in a calm voice.

Ashley smiled at her, she cupped her beautiful face and she wiped away the tears " Emily because I know what it feels like to feel useless , to feel as though the whole world is against you, to see your world breaking down into pieces bad enough in front of you" Her words held meaning that Emily looked at her with narrowed eyes

"Ashley what was that" She asked.

"Ohhhh never mind" Ashley brushed her suspicions off , she dug into her bag and she got some Kleenex for Emily to blow her nose.

Ashley stood up and she dragged a chair closer to Emily, she sat on it and she caught her palm in her hands. Emily laid on one side ,she looked at Ashley, she just wondered where such people come from in this world where no one really gives a shit about what is going on in other people's lives.

Ashley wiggled her eyebrows "Why are you looking at me like that " she smiled."I know am a bit attractive and stuff but you know a picture lasts longer"

Emily broke into a small smile "Ashley don't flatter your self and wait" her face looked as if she had figured out something "Ashley Simpson were you flirting with me earlier"

Ashley's loud laughters could be heard by a person standing outside " Excuse me Emily!!!! "

The room after fell into silence, the two ladies all looked to be lost in their own worlds "It all started when I went to that bar" Emily started.

Ashley just looked at her and she nodded, if was really okay with sharing what had happened to her, then she was also all ears to listen.

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