"You guys can go and grab your food, I'll pay for it." Lazily yawned Y/n, making his way over towards the human selection of food, which currently had cereals or sandwiches for breakfast, making Y/n weigh the two options that he had. "Cereals it is." Idly noted Y/n, grabbing himself a bowl and poured the cornflakes into the bowl, followed by a splash of milk.

Turning around, Y/n saw that all 18 Pokémon had bowls stacked upon one another in their mouth and the bipedal Pokémon were carrying food packets in their hands. Shrugging his shoulders at the sight, Y/n walked up to the register with the small army of Pokémon behind him, he wasn't certain how Deino was navigating but those were questions for a later date.

"1 bowl of cornflakes, and 18 bowls of Poké-feed." Tiredly announced Y/n, awkwardly rooting through his pocket and pulling out his Rotom Phone and held it over the scanner, a small beep echoed through the area that told Y/n that the food was paid for. "I'll help open up the packets." Offhandedly offered Y/n, hearing the small thanks that were coming from the Pokémon behind him, the Pokémon center door opened up but Y/n didn't check who it was.

Sitting down at the table, Y/n put his bowl of cornflakes down onto the table before turning his attention towards the Pokémon, who had surprisingly organized the bowls out and their feed out around the table. Arching his back downwards, Y/n mumbled incoherently as he ripped open each bag of Poké-feed and poured it into a bowl, being forced to quickly abandon his chair in favor of opening food packets, Y/n could see the gleeful looks on the Pokémon as they got their breakfast.

"Thank you."Lowly moaned Aqua, his face hitting his food a moment later and he started to snore, Y/n didn't know if he should be concerned since Aqua had his face covered in food, but since the Pokémon didn't immediately choke it meant he could breath, before moving onto the next Pokémon.

"Human. I ask for your assistance in carefully tilting this bag of nutrients into the plastic that is in a concave shape." Emotionlessly inquired Psych the Espurr, he had one of the weirder way of speaking that Y/n had discovered, some Pokémon were formal like Deino, others were impolite and casual, and then some were odd. "Also, may you please give Pie his dose of nutrients please." Politely required Psych, Y/n nodded in agreement as he ripped open both bags and poured them for the two Pokémon, and moved on.

"Thaanks foor thiis." Loudly baaed Wooloo, it seemed as though either Wooloo or Woollo in general pronounced each vowel twice, and Y/n noted that as he finished pouring the food.

It took 5 minutes in total to pour all of the bags of foor for the Pokémon, and take the opportunity to have a small conversation with each of them, before Y/n could sit back up at his seat and look at his food. Y/n stared blankly at his food, something vital for looking polite was missing, don't get Y/n wrong he didn't care what he looked like but his actions could reflect on his friends.

"Excuse me, but my Master has asked me to give you this spoon." Calmly announced a voice to Y/n's left, it was a Pokémon and it was a Male from the sounds of it, Y/n turned around and blinked once as he nodded and took the spoon from the Pokémon. "I take it you can understand me?" Curiously inquired the Pokémon, Y/n wasn't certain if he had ever seen this Pokémon in real life before, but he recalled seeing the Pokémon in his textbook before, it was a Lucario.

Lucario was a bipedal, canine-like Pokémon, he stood at 3'11, with fur that was predominantly blue and black. He possessed a short, round spike on the back of his forepaws, in addition to a third on his chest. He had ruby red eyes, a long snout and ears. He had his mouth partially open, revealing two pairs of pointed teeth, one in the upper jaw and one in the lower. He possessed cream-colored fur on his torso, and blue fur on his thighs that resembled shorts. He had a medium length tail of the same blue color as well. He stood on his toes rather than on its entire foot. Lastly he had four black appendages that hung down from its head, which supposed helped a Lucario sense aura.

I wanna be Legendary! (Pokemon Sword and Shield X Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now