Chapter 8

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"What happened....."Asks chaeyoung when jisoo calms her tears a bit while she drinks coffee on the couch......
"I-I....."jisoo stutters
"Take your time....was it him that did this to you...?"Asks chaeyoung
Jisoo silently nods
"It was d-dad....."Minho says holding his moms hand
"I'm sorry Minho.....I didn't keep my promise....I told you he wouldn't do anything to me....but clearly I was wrong...."jisoo says apologising to her son..
"NO! Don't be sorry none of this is your fault....he is crazy....I told you I was okay when he did to me because I'm used to it.....I'm sorry for leaving you with should've been me who got hit....."Minho says tearing up
Jisoo holds her sons cheek wiping away his tears with her hand....
" don't deserve any of this and I have good news out of all this....."says jisoo now smiling hoping her son will see that what she is going to say next is how she is gonna save her son from his misery and pain.......
"What do you mean good news...?how is any of this going to be good news...??"says Minho confused
"Should we leave you two alone to talk"says chaeyoung assuring that her and jisung will leave the room to talk alone
"NO! Don't leave I want you to hear this too......"says jisoo with a smile hoping to get them to know she is fine with what happened because of what she got out of it......
"Okay...."chaeyoung day back down next to jisung while jisung was holding Minho hand calming him down after he was crying with what happened to his mom.......
"Minho......we are safe.....your safe...I promised that I will give you a better life soon.....and I have....we are free from won't have to see him anymore sweetie.....we are gonna find somewhere to stay and then get our own place and start a new life okay......"jisoo says smiling at Minho
Minho was overjoyed with what he heard from his mom knowing that maybe he won't have to get hurt anymore maybe he can actually enjoy his life without worrying about anything that will happen to him....maybe he can sleep at night knowing in the morning will be okay....everything will be okay.....and even better knowing his mom is going to be safe too and away from that monster.....he can finally be with his mom without knowing any of them may be in pain......

He finally thought........I'm safe

"What.......I-i don't know what to say.....I'm so you....thank you so much....I promise I will never hurt you and I will always be by your side through everything...."Minho said so happy that he doesn't have to go through any pain
" make things even better for everyone I have found a place for you both to live for now....."says chaeyoung
"You have...?where?..."jisoo Asks confused
"Right here......jisoo you can have the spare room for your room and Minho can share with jisung.....or he could sleep in the spare room with you but these two have gotten really close...closer than anyone will think huh boys..."giggles chaeyoung nudging Minho and jisung
"Mom! Stop!"jisung says his face turning red with embarrassment as his own mom caught him kissing his boyfriend.......
"'ve gotten more close we'll that's  really good"jisoo smile as she nudges Minho
"Mom....."Minho starts as he gave his mom the stare to stop
"Yeh I'm okay with Minho sharing a room with me...."smiles jisung
"Me will be fun coz I've never had a room mate before.....well actually any friends before....."Minho says smiling at jisung as he said friend
"Yeh fun you say aha"chaeyoung laughs and jisoo laughs with her......
"Mom!"both boys say to their moms as they were embarrassing them.......
"Okay okay we will stop" smirks jisoo
"Come on Minho lets go to my-....our room..."smiles jisung wanting to get away from the embarrassment......
"Yeh okay....."Minho replies following jisung.....

As jisung and Minho go upstairs to their rooms jisoo and chaeyoung are just talking in the living room....
"I hope he doesn't suspect where me and Minho are staying......I'm sure he doesn't even remember you to be honest so I don't think we have to worry.....I mean do you think he followed me to know where I am staying.......OMG what me and Minho aren't safe yet after all......"jisoo says panicking
"Hey....calm down your over thinking it and your just worried.....look I promise you and Minho are safe here....okay....he's not gonna find you I promise....."chaeyoung says trying to comfort her
"Yeh maybe your right I am just overthinking this.....I just want him to be totally out of mine and minhos life especially minhos coz he has done so much damage to his life...."jisoo says
"And he will and Minho are safe I take your mind off things I have something funny to tell you......"says chaeyoung smirking at the memory of catching Minho and jisung kissing when she walked in
"What is it....."smiles jisoo as when she sees chaeyoung smiling it makes her giggle although she hasn't even heard what she has to say yet......
"Well I came home early today from work and I walk in and only to find......"chaeyoung can't hold in her laughter....
"What did you seeeee!!"jisoo giggles desperately to know what she saw....
"J-jisung and Minho were kissing on the couch.....and that's not the funny part the funny part was how embarrassed they looked when I caught them ahaha I should've videoed was hilarious...."laughs chaeyoung
"Omg really they were kissing ???"laughs jisoo
"Yup ahah"laughs chaeyoung
"Omg that's so cute tho....jisung must make Minho really happy.....he's not the one to just kiss someone or even make friends he's too scared they will find out about his dad and what he does to him which will make his friends leave him so he's never made friends......."jisoo says smiling that Minho has met someone who makes him feel happy and safe....
"Well jisung isnt leaving Minho any time soon......and they will keep fretting closer and closer and what makes it worse is that they are teenagers so god knows what they will do...."laughs chaeyoung
"Oh gosh yeh...."laughs jisoo
"Come on I will help you move your stuff into your room and I will also bring minhos stuff into jisungs room..."says chaeyoung
"Okai Yeh thanks but you don't have to help me chaeyoung I mean.....I have taken some of your house so that is literally enough for me and what about jisungs dad is he not gonna be mad if me and Minho are here.....?"Asks jisoo
"No not at all and he doesn't even come home half of the he doesn't really have a choice in this...."chaeyoung rolled her eyes at the thought......
"Oh okai....well anyway I will bring my suitcase up...."says jisoo
"Okai I will take minhos suitcase to jisungs room hopefully I don't walk into the room seeing them doing something like before aha"giggles chaeyoung
"Ahaha yeah"laughs jisoo now grabbing her suitcase and going upstairs to her room......

Author: Hope you are enjoying this story and thank you so much for over 100 almost 200 reads I'm so thankful.....I've never got this many reads on one of my stories so thank you soo muchhh....🤩🥺😁😊❤️❤️🖤

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