Final chapter

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-TW- mentions d3pr3ssion/su!c!d3

it had been a whole year since Minho has passed away

Jisung visits minhos grave everyday even when it's snowing, raining or thundering he makes sure to go visit every single day, even tho he would get sick after going to his grave in the cold, he didn't care as long as he can see his boyfriends grave he couldn't care less

Jisung had been going through a rough year since Minho had died he has had therapy sessions for his depression and suicidal thoughts...

There had been those times where he tried overdosing on minhos medication they still had in the cupboard in the kitchen, just so he can feel close to him as he tried to die... he would've done anything to be with Minho again, he misses him like crazy... he has found it hard going back to school and rarely even goes because of how bad his depression had gotten... he talks to the moon every night hoping Minho is talking back too

Just before Minho passed away jisoo and byunghoon was going to announce that Minho was going to be an older brother to a little baby girl...

Her name is Mina minho lee, they decided to put minhos name as minas middle name so that Minho will forever be apart of everyone's lives, even minas, even if she had never met her older brother... he will forever be stuck with all of his family

-5years later-

Mina is 5years old and it's the day Minho died 5years ago..

5years jisung has been without his boyfriend..

Jisung was sat looking at old selfies on his phone of him and Minho...

Mina comes over to him "who is thwat?"

Jisung smiles and tears up..

Mina tilts her head... "why does he mwake chu cry cry, does he mwake chu sad?"

Jisung shakes his head... "no... no he made me very very happy.."

"Who is hwe" Mina asks again

Jisung firstly looks over at jisoo, and jisoo nods softly with a smile and tears in her eyes signalling Jisung could tell Mina about her older brother

Jisung then looks back at Mina... "this... this is your older brother Mina... his name is Minho..."

Mina quickly responds "mwyyy middle name is minhooo"

Jisung nods "that's where you got your middle name... from your brother"

Mina then asks "where is brwother Minho nowie?"

Tears fall down jisungs face as he tries to explain to Mina what happened to Minho..

"He got very sick... so the angels took him away so he can get better... so he isn't in any pain.." Jisung says

"Will angels give him back?.." Mina says

Jisung shakes his head... "no... the angels took him to a safe place... a place where he won't get sick anymore... and where he can watch down on both of us and the rest of his family...your brother used to be a really good dancer... do you want to see?"

Mina nods quickly

Jisung shows Mina a dance video of Minho then shows all the pictures he had with him and funny videos

"Heh jwisungie and brwother Minho kissyyyy"
Mina giggles

Jisung smiles in return and says "yeha... me and Minho kissed... he was my love... my boyfriend and still is... I will never replace my baby minho..." more tears fall down his cheeks

And at that note... Mina grew up and turned into a beautiful woman she danced, inspired by her older brother, as she learns more and more about minhos story as she grew older she frequently visited his grave and talked to it telling him about herself and saying how she would've loved to have met him from what jisung told her abt him

Jisung grew older and older still forever hanging onto Minho... until he died of old age when he turned 89

And that was when Minho and Jisung reunited in the clouds with the angels...

The end

I hope you enjoyed this story, I'm sorry if the ending seems abit rushed I will try and go back And make it better later on

But I want to thank every single one of you who stayed to read my book

This book took me a year and half to write and I'm so thankful people are reading it I hope that you all will stay for my next books too, which will be coming on the way very very shortly

Again thank you so much, and I will see you all in the next book 🥰❤️

Apart but still together~ minsungWhere stories live. Discover now