Chapter 18

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-Jisung POV-

It had been a couple of hours since Minho dozed off... he looked at peace when he is sleeping but he did also look very pale, I am getting worried.. but I'm sure it's nothing, well it is sumth but like not as bad as I think it will be... I'll just keep an eye on him

I play with his hair more because he seems to really like that hehe, but when I realised he had got more pale, he started shivering again... I'm getting really worried and scared...  "JISOO!!"

Jisoo runs in almost immediately "jisung??"

I tear up so much as Minho starts shaking more... "h-he.."

"Minho!" She runs over and takes Minho into her arms

I couldn't help but start to cry

"It's okay baby it's okay,... I'm here shh shh shh, jisung call an ambulance" jisoo says trying to calm minhos shaking

I nod and reach for my phone with a shaky hand, my mom came in and noticed me crying "jisung honey I've called don't worry"

I nod and cry while looking at Minho

"Shh shh baby shh"... jisoo rocks him as he still shakes

Please be okay... please be okay... please be okay... those are the only words my mind can say right now...

The ambulance arrives at least 5mins later, Minho was still shaking, jisoo was doing her best to try calm him down but the paramedics managed to stop his shaking.

"We will have to take him to hospital, his condition isn't so good right now" Says the paramedic

"W-what do you mean?... he's going to be okay tho... right??" I say trying to hold back anymore crying because my head started to hurt..

"I am not sure"...

I cover my mouth terrified.... I look back down at minho and see how ill he looked

"C-can I come in the ambulance with him...I'm his boyfriend"... I ask

"Of course you can, only one person can come in"

"That's okay.. I'll drive us to the hospital right behind you" byunghoon says grabbing the car keys

-noones POV-

The paramedics wheeled Minho out on a stretcher and into the ambulance..

Byunghoon, jisoo and chaeyoung get into the car and drives as much as they can behind the ambulance but of course the ambulance was going much faster needing to get Minho in hospital as quickly as possible...

Jisung holds minhos hand tightly beside him in the ambulance "it's okay baby... I'm right here.. I know how strong you are, I know you can get through this my love.. I promise everything will be okay soon"..

They arrive at the hospital and Minho is taken straight away into surgery, the doctors saying the brain tumour has started to grow again, so they are going to try and get rid of most of the tumour before it's too late..

-jisungs POV-

I laid against my mom hugging her while crying as we sit in minhos hospital room waiting for him to come out of surgery

-a couple of hours later-

A doctor comes in, I got really worried and scared because he didn't come back with Minho yet... maybe he was in another room? Maybe he was still in surgery... maybe he came to tell us that he is doing fine and the surgery will almost be done?? Or.... He came in to say...

"I'm so sorry for your loss.... Minho didn't make it"... the doctor looks down

The words that came from the doctors mouth did not process in my mind yet, until it hit....

It hit... my heart felt like it had been shot by millions of bullets....thoughts were taking over...the truth hit... the truth... that I will never... be able to see my boyfriend again

-noones POV-

Jisung fainted after hearing the news about Minho

The doctor rushes over to jisung and tries waking him back up

Chaeyoung started getting scared "baby??? Jisung honey??? Omg"

Jisoo was crying into byunghoon...

Byunghoon felt guilty... and extremely sad... the only thought that came to byunghoons head was... "I killed him"... "I killed my own son".... "Minho is dead because of me..."

Everyone was devistated.... To hear the words... Minho was dead..

I'm sorry everyoneeeee, I hope you had tissues ready before this chapter... one more chapter left and this story has come to an end BUT BUT BUT BUT BUTTTTT, a new book is already half written, well actually 2 new books are on the way

Ps. Both books are minsung books

Apart but still together~ minsungWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu