Chapter 17

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"What about this one??" Jisung comes out of his closet wearing a plaid pink shirt

"Mmm...I mean if you like it then...sure" Minho replies to the shirt

"Hmm nah then, if you don't like it then I don't like it" Jisung says then goes back into the closet

Minho chuckles and shakes his head, "I think you look cute in anything you wear babe"

"Chu don't have to lieeee babyyy, just tell me if you don't like sumth and it will be going in the trash" jisung smiles

"But babe, if you like it then you shouldn't"

"It's okayyy"

Minho looks at him with a pouty face

"Eee your so adorable" jisung runs up to him and pinches his cheeks

Minho smiles and lays back down in bed

"How are you feeling today my love?" Jisung smiles while stroking minhos face

"Better... a little weak and tired today, but I do feel better"

"I'm glad to hear that, one day I promise that you will be fully healed and that you will be out on that stage again and dance for me and your mom and your dad, and we will be so proud of how strong you are"

Minho sighs and looks a little sad "what if I don't heal tho... what if I start to get worse... and then won't be able to dance ever again"

"Hey... don't say that baby... I promise you will be able to dance again, you can't think like that my love, you need to keep that pretty little head of yours in positive thoughts"

Minho nods "yeah.. I guess, but... what if that's the only thing that I can think of"

Jisung leans into Minho and kisses his lips "then I will keep your mind busy from that thought"

Minho smiles softly with soft blushing appearing on his cheeks...

Jisung giggles and kisses him on his cheek "now I will go get your medication from downstairs and prepare breakfast, do you want to come down or stay in bed today?"

"I think I'll stay in bed today...I feel really tired" Minho replies

"Okay my love, I'll be back up soon" jisung says with a smile on his face

Minho nods in reply.. "wait baby before you go can you turn the tv on for me please"

"Of course love" jisung goes to the tv and turns on Netflix for Minho, handing him the remote onto his bed and leaving a kiss on his head before walking out of the room

-Jisungs POV-

In the kitchen making breakfast for everyone while gathering minhos medication... I really hope he isn't gonna get worse... that thought comes to my mind too but... I can't show it in front of Minho I need him to stay as positives possible and make him stay happy... I don't want to see him suffer I hate seeing him so sick like he was in hospital... He means the world to me and I will make sure that he will be okay I will make sure of it... and if I fail... than I won't be able to live with myself knowing I couldn't keep the person I love most alive... I need him... he needs my protection and I will do my very best to try and help him and make sure he only gets better from this day on, and make sure he does not getting any worse..

I finish making breakfast and call everyone down while I go back upstairs to Minho to give him his medicine

As I walk into our bedroom, I see my sweet lil precious min shivering while watching tv

"Oh no.. my honey are you cold??" I rush over and hug him tight making sure I tuck him into the blankets to try warm him up when I notice he is sweating, I tilt my head a little

I see him nod still uncontrollably shivering... "y-yes j-just a little... c-cold"

"Baby you are sweating... let me check your temperature, take your medicine babe.." I reach over to the bedside table draw, and get out the thermometer

I wait till he took his medication and looked at the thermometer to check his temperature.. "Hm you do have a temperature love, make sure to just rest today, it might be because I have you your medicine too late... we will see" Im really starting to get worried now, he has a temperature... and shivering.... I hope he doesn't have another seizure any time soon... no he won't... I have to stay positive I need to stay positive he will get better he is getting's like that saying right... you have to feel worse to get better... I know he is strong and I know he will get through this... Alive...

I snuggle up to him while wrapping him in more blankets to warm him up more and watch Netflix with him... playing with his hair until he dozes off into his lil dream world inside his head..

Hello everyoneee, I am officially back and will be updating this story as much as possible, my mental health has gotten a lot better but there might be some times (not as much as before) where I update late, but that's just because I may be busy with college work, as it starts in 2days but I will try my very best to update 🥰❤️ I hope you liked this chapter, I'm happy to be back alsoooo

Apart but still together~ minsungWhere stories live. Discover now