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hi guys. i'm pretty sure that all of you have seen what's been going on around the internet. my heart breaks as i try to find the words to describe how horrible i feel seeing the racial injustice happening around the United States.

this is disappointing to live in a country where the president has done nothing but support the violence that is happening. it's upsetting that my black brothers and sisters have to suffer through all this bullshit to earn their basic human rights. don't say "aLl LiVeS MatTeRs" when black people's lives clearly don't to these police offers. it makes me upset that black people fear to go outside in public because they fear they are going to lose their lives. we need to stand against the systems of oppression.

please sign the justice for george floyd petition or any petition the supports the Black Lives Matter. text "FLOYD" or "JUSTICE" to 55156 to demand justice! nothing but love to each and one of all of you, especially to my black readers out there. if some of you plan or are going to the protesters, please be safe! read and find some links around the internet or twitter that tell you how you can protect yourselves. cover your face, don't wear any makeup, and be careful. continue to spread awareness!


and they always should.


LETTERS,     mike montgomeryWhere stories live. Discover now