Issues - Part 2 (Valeska)

Start from the beginning

Really?  He was just going to say it outright like that?

I adjusted my position awkwardly, "Well, I didn't do much. It was all them."

It was silent for a few seconds.

He took a few steps towards me, "So, what is your name?"

"Y/N.  And yours?"

He repeated my name slowly, as if testing it on his tongue, "That is a beautiful name. It suits you."

My head shot down towards the ground nervously, causing some of my hair to fall down into my face. I had never had someone come on so strong towards me before. Well, okay, Jerome did, but he just said inappropriate stuff, which was easy to shoot down. This guy was actually saying nice things. I wasn't sure how to react, so I just replied with a quiet 'thank you'.

He took additional steps towards me and my heart began to beat at a faster pace, reacting to the unknown of this situation. Once he was stopped directly in front of me, he turned his head and looked up towards Lulu.

He gently patted her shoulder, "Such gentle animals. Are they as smart as they say they are?"

I copied him and turned my head up towards Lulu, but I looked at the mystery man through the corners of my eyes, "Oh, yes, they are super smart.  Smarter than a lot of people I know."

He turned his head down to me, he was a full head taller than me, "Is that so?"

All I could do was look him in the eyes and let out a nervous giggle.  He was so close to me; I could smell the minty freshness of his breath and the alluring scent of his cologne. It was intoxicating and even smelled expensive.

Usually, when you look at someone this close up, you can pick up on the subtle flaws that you couldn't see from a distance. However, this guy didn't have any. His skin was clear and smooth, his teeth were perfect, and everything was portioned perfectly for his face.

I even glanced down at his perfect clothes - definitely nothing I had ever seen before. Not a stain or shredded thread in sight. It was like he picked them off the shelf of a store right before he came out here. I wondered if he would ever wear this set of clothing again, after tonight, or would he just throw it away?

He is definitely rich.  Handsome and rich.

As I was lost in my attempt to find some kind of flaw, even a minor flaw, to let me know that this guy was actually human, he slowly reached his hand up to my face.  He pushed the rogue lock of hair out of my face, his fingertips tickling against my forehead as he did this, tucking it behind my ear.

"How long will you guys be in town?"

"Umm, for a few days."

I decided that would be the easiest answer to give him. The circus would only be here for a few days, but I still wasn't sure what Jerome and I were going to do.

"Well, could I, and I know this is very aggressive of me, but could I take you out for dinner sometime?  Maybe tomorrow?"

He is asking me out to dinner and he considers that 'aggressive'?  Who is this guy?

The warmth in my cheeks returned, "Oh, well, dinner is kind of impossible. You know, since the circus does their shows at night..."

"Lunch then. I know this great place."

"I...I don't..."

He jumped in before I could finish, "Please, I promise, it'll be the best food you've ever had."

I stuttered over my words and, before I could get out anything coherent, a hand came out of nowhere and pushed the man away from me and Lulu, "Who the fuck are you?!"

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