Arriving Pyongyang

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Fuck it. North Korea x reader. This is going to be a fucking ride, so strap in суки.

You know the drill:
Y/N- your name
E/C- eye colour
H/C- hair colour
H/L- hair length
S/C- skin colour
Also, italics will be English and Korean will be normal text because I ain't fluent.

For story purposes, you're from America. Thank the gods that I'm not. Let's fucking goooooooo.

      Y/N walked slowly towards the door of the airport terminal, over twenty-four hours after beginning her flight. Reaching the row of perfectly polished glass doors, she stood in front of them, staring at the world that she could see beyond, already so different from everywhere else she had ever been.

      The building behind her was mostly empty, only a few other tourists- mostly Chinese- had gotten off the flight with her. And no one was boarding. This gave her the respite she needed to take a deep breath and collect her thoughts, something she had been unable to do up until now.

     She hadn't slept the day before leaving, and from taking the bus to Detroit from Washington, then getting smuggled in the trunk of a car over the Canadian border and boarding her Toronto-to-Beijing flight, then the Air China flight to here, all taking about two days, she had hardly slept a wink. Only drifting in and out of conciousness before starting herself awake, sweaty and tense. Even now, she had to consciously unclench her fists, reminding herself that she was safe.

     Someone behind her barked something, causing her to jump slightly and spin around, eyes wide in fear. But it was only one of the Chinese tourists staring at her impatiently, wanting to get through the door.

     "对不起 (Duìbùqǐ)," Y/N muttered, moving aside and invoking one of the only Chinese phrases that she knew, learned specifically on the flight over to apologise to anyone that she bumped into in the Beijing terminal.

     The man moved by her, saying something else- probably a critique of her pronunciation- but sounding placated.

     'Well, this is probably a sign to get moving,' Y/N thought, squaring up once more with the doors. 'There's really no going back now.'

    Like there ever had been.

      She took a deep breath and placed a hand on the smooth wooden handle, hesitating for a brief moment before fully committing herself to the push. When she did, and the door had opened, she immediately sensed the difference. The air was clean. Encouraged, she stepped forward, hesitating again before cautiously putting her foot down and moving into the outside world.

      Feeling the concrete under her sneakers, she felt a rush of excitement go through her, momentarily obliterating her sleepiness. This was her first time stepping foot in a foreign country! Well, there was her transition from car trunk to airport in Canada, and the brief layover in Beijing, but she had been in such a daze that she had hardly noticed, and she hadn't even left the airport terminal in China.

       She stepped out even further, the door swinging shut behind her, and looked around, a smile breaking out on her face uncontrollably.

       The airport had been picturesquely built with no buildings visible on the horizon, just two large spires, like slightly thinner versions of the CN Tower, flanking the road out. The sky was clear and blue, and the parking lot had several cars in it, probably belonging to the airport staff, along with a couple buses currently being boarded by tour groups. Along the sidewalk that she was on, taxis were parked, either picking up businessmen or waiting for travellers. Everything was so safe and normal.

       She raised her arms up and laughed a little, not minding the strange looks that she got from tourists and locals alike. She was out.

      But her lethargy was creeping in, so she postponed her full revelry for a later date. She reached into her tiny Kånken backpack- the only thing she had on her- and pulled out a small notebook. Heading to a bookmarked page, she scanned the lines, nodded in satisfaction and headed towards one of the waiting taxis.

      "Taken?" she asked in rough Korean. She flashed her politician's ID, marking her as separate from the supervised tour groups, hoping that it looked real enough.

     The taxi driver shook his head in answer to her question, apparently giving her the greenlight. She hopped in, and gave him a direction.

       They pulled out of the parking lot, and started down the road. Y/N consulted her Korean book again, and asked the driver to roll down the window. He did, and she stuck her head out, looking at the beautiful scenery, which was mostly rural.

      The wind caught her long, H/C hair, playing with its strands, as if welcoming her. She tilted her face towards the sun, feeling its warmth on her cheeks, and smiled. She knew that she shouldn't be with her upcoming task looming on the very-near horizon, but she couldn't help it.

  She was in Pyongyang. She was free. 

       He couldn't hurt her anymore.

Why do I know how the inside of the Sunan airport looks? Rigorous research. Do not ask again.
Actually it's because I've been there before for university classes. Or I'm a North Korean operative, take your pick.

Safeway Pyongyang // Reader x CountryhumansDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora