“Talk’s cheap kid…” he leaned in tapping his cheek. “Go on, take a freebie.” 

Izumi smirked and her hand clenched up and she launched out aiming right for his cheek. She gasped when he snagged her hand and suddenly twisted her arm behind her back.  

“Stupid girl… No punches are free. Any real competitor will always be on guard.” He shoved her forward and she landed on her hands and knees.  “You’ll be doing the paperwork at the Manual agency today. I hear they have a UA intern as well but don't let your little friend distract you from your work.” 

Izumi clenched her fists in the mat, she fought back the tears and let the anger rise over her. 

“You call filing papers and moving boxes around hero work? What’s the point in me coming here if all you’re gonna make me do is push papers? If I wanted to be a glorified secretary I would have joined the business course. I need field experience and you’re not teaching me!” She got to her feet and turned around. “How am I supposed to beat your son or my brother if you keep shoving me out!” 

“I told you I’d teach you discipline. You’ll get field training when you’ve earned it.” He crossed his arms and dodged a full cowl she aimed at him. 

“Lame excuses!” Even with her quirk, her lack of energy made it impossible to stand up to him, but it didn’t keep her from trying. She attacked him again and he smacked her down quick and hard. 

“Quit with this useless temper tantrum you stupid girl.” 

“Dad that’s enough, you don’t need to-” Shoto started to step between them but Izumi shoved him out of the way. “Izumi stop it!” He grabbed her and held her back.

 “You want to know what the point of bringing you with me was?” Endeavor crossed his arms frowning at the snarling child. “I thought it would be beneficial and education to you and myself. You’re the child of All Might, and I thought between you and your brother you’d be more adept to taking my lessons… but if you can’t even handle this without getting your dander up, then maybe I should have chosen your brother instead. He at least obeys an order.” 

Izumi shook with temper but said nothing. Her eyes flashed with hurt and shame before she lowered her head to hide it. 

“Wash up and get dressed, you foolish child. I have nothing more to say to you.” He walked out. 

“Izumi…” Shoto slowly let go of her. He took the punch to the face and winced turning back to her. 

“Why the hell didn’t you say anything? Why did you just stand there like a mute!?” She accused him. 

“What did you want me to say? It’s clear neither of you were gonna let me get a word in.” He held his cheek wincing some. She’d put some weight into that last hit.

“Do you agree with what he said?” She clenched her fists at her side. 

“Not all of it… but I do think you have to stop acting like this.” He scolded. “Losing your temper and throwing a fit when you don’t get your way isn’t how learning works. Sometimes you gotta do things you don’t like, I found that out the hard way.”  

 “What sort of warped reality have I stepped into that you actually agree with your old man?” Izumi crossed her arms practically pouting.

“It's not like that.” He scowled at her. “We came here to learn, Izumi. Hero work isn’t as glamorous or exciting as it’s cracked up to be, and I’m more than positive it’s gonna be the same no matter what agency you go to. Stop taking your frustrations and disappointment and letting them blow up all over the place, because its not helping your cause!” 

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