currently inlove

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y/n and Finn safely made their way back home, as it was already lunch time.
"here we are back home." finn smiled as he took the keys out of the car. "thanks finn, anyways.. are you gonna stay? I mean like cause Wyatt's also going to be coming over... and you guys aren't in good t-"

"it's okay, I'll just go, have other duties to at home, Nancy's gonna celebrate her birthday at my house, which I was about to ask you if would wanted to come, but since Wyatt's coming over that's alright." He scoffed. "oh, well.. I mean I could come I guess, I just got—" "NO, it's okay.. stay with wyatt, he's got some problems going on and he probably wants to tell you because, everyone hates him right now, including sophia." finn rubbed his eyes as he took a glance over to y/n that was sitting there speechless.
y/n quickly leaned over to Finn's face as she gave him a quick peck on the lips before leaving.

"okay finn.. well goodbye." y/n smiled opening the door. "I love you val, I'll text you later tonight." finn waves goodbye, just as his eyes trailed over to y/n, carefully getting out the door.
"I love you too Vlad." y/n smiled just before shutting the door.

they both waved goodbye at each other, as y/n watched him drive off to the distance.
not so long after that she saw a figure running towards her in the distance.
"Y/N!!" Y/N!!"
"WYATT?!" y/n yelled in surprise.
"yeah it's me ha, sorry I came a bit early, I was really bored and I couldn't wait for another hour, so here's your McDonald's." he smiled as he handed over the McDonald's.
"oh— ah- thanks wy! wanna come in?" y/n asked as she gave him a warm smile.
"yeah!" he replied


"okay so, like.. you and millie have been fuck buddies for the last 5 months, and YOU still haven't told us?" y/n scrunched her face as she took a sip out of her Pepsi.
"yeah, I'm really sorry.. even though i still kinda like you and.. stuff, but you just can't get your mind off finn."
y/n pouted, "well duh, he's my boyfriend what else do you want me to think off." she mumbled back sarcastically.
a silence occurred as y/n got a message from someone's
"wait let me just check who it is."


hey babe, I'm sorry to bother
you but, how are you and wyatt doing?

hey bub, we're doing okay.

oh okay, I'm sorry, I was just
checking up on you. I love you.

love you to baby. 🖤

I miss you

imyt 💌

okay bye ♡︎
read 1:42pm

"who was that?" wyatt asked concerned as y/n smile lit up. "it's finn" y/n put her phone away as she plopped down her bed.
wyatt looked down at y/n, as she was now facing the ceiling. wyatt didn't know what to do at this moment, he really liked y/n, he really did. wyatt decided to do the worst and make his move. he quickly plopped down beside her facing the other way.
"ouu— what are you doing?!" y/n asked him politely, turning the other way to get a good look at him. wyatt didn't say a word as he aggressively grabbed her head; smashing his lips onto hers.
y/n backed away in shock, as she looked at him in disgust. "WYATT?" she yelled, wyatt just laid there, biting his lower lip.
"what is wrong with you?" y/n added.
"IM SORRY, I just cant get over how pretty you actually are and I LOVE YOU." wyatt blurted out not making any sense.
"what?" y/n paused "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!" y/n screamed at him. wyatt quickly grabbed his stuff and ran out the house.

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