Chapter 2

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Lisa's P.O.V.

I promise to make it up for mama today, So I was the one who cooked and prepared our breakfast today. I also picked a fresh rose from our garden and put it besides her plate..

Mama is still sleeping, so I find something to do and go out in the back yard. I saw a lot a wood shattered around the grass and I picked it one by one and put aside.. Then an idea come in my mind.. I go back inside the house and rummage on the storage room to find some rope. I was planning to build a swing by a wood and hang it to the three.

"Poo! is that you?" I heard mama shout from the kitchen. I stop from rummaging and approach her.

"Did I wake you up ma?" I hug her and give a peck in the cheeks.
"No poo, I'm already up at seven. I just didn't go out right away cos I thought your still sleeping" 

"Oww" She broke the hug and face me. "Are you the who making noises in there?" I nod.

"What are you looking for?"

"I saw a lot of nice wood at the backyard and I was planning to build a swing" She knitted her brows. "For what? We don't even had a kids here"

"I just feel to make one ma. I can used it tho. or you too ma it's relaxing"

"I'm to old for that poo"

"Your still young for me ma. Your only 63 years old and still kicking" I put my arms on her shoulder and made our way to the table. I pulled her sit like a gentleman and give her the flowers.

"Thank you poo. Your too sweet"


After breakfast I continue to the backyard to build the swing. I was busy Tieying the rope in the woods and I got startled when someone pushed me from the back. I stumbled in the grass and look to the culprit..

"HAHAHA Oh my god! that was fun to watch lis HAHA" She hold her stomach from to much laughter and wipe her tears. That was jisoo my partner in crime,my best friend and like a sister to me.  Where neighbors, but we often see each other cos of our busy works.. They have a vegetable and fruit store at seoul and she's the one who delivered the goods on there every other day. I was busy with the farm too, so we don't have time to hang out..

She extend her hand to help me get up and I gladly took it, but not to stand, but to pull her down. She stumble next to me and whine.

"Yah!! that's cheating!" "Stop whining you look like a duck Chu" I stood up and help her.

"Why are you here btw.? It's Sunday and you have delivery right?" I asked her confusely.

"My brother did it for me, so it's my day off and I am here to hang out with you but you seems not excited to see me" She dramatically said and cling to my arms while pouting.

"I didn't said that Chu. of course im happy to see you. It's been a while since the last time we hang out and I'm glad that your here now, So stop being a drama queen". She smiled widely and let go the hug..

"What are you doing btw" She asked while looking at the tools scattered in the grass.

"I'm making a swing" She shook her head and laugh slightly.

"How old are you lis?  five?" I ignored her and start to climb the tree and tied the rope..

"Can you sit and try it for me if it's already strong Chu!!" She nod and sit on the swing and start to swing it.

"Woah! It's nice lis, I think it's good already" She excitedly said like kid who discovered a new toy.. Look who's enjoying now.. I climb down and join her.

What happened on that night??حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن