Harry and Emily Potter

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Leilani's POV

I've been doing research about dying in the past. I came here using a time turner so if I die I go back to my time. I also was counting how many days till Harry comes along. If today was 12/11/1979, so I'd be a few weeks pregnant. I can't tell James like this, I have to wait for everything to happen like it does. I need to wait till James figures it out. As far as I'm concerned, he thinks I have a stomach bug. I've been feeling quite nauseous and wanting to use the bathroom 24/7. It's been a few weeks already, will the idiot ever work it out? Here comes another wave of nausea.

"Woah, Leila. I don't think you're feeling good. A stomach bug should've left a while ago... I'm taking you to St. Mungo's whether you like it or not." I panicked a bit. I can't apparate. It'll hurt Harry! Besides I don't need to feel worse. James obviously saw my expression and informed me. "By floo, we don't need you to feel anymore discomfort."

Thank Merlin.

Too relieved to speak, I nodded.

We flooed to one of the last places I want to be. I came here quite a lot when I am going through my furry little problem.

"Leila?" James asked.

Great I zoned out again.

"Yes?" I reply.

"The healer called your name."

"Oh, okay." We followed the healer.

The healer ran a few tests on me and Informed, "Mrs. Potter, you're not sick, you're pregnant. Congratulations."

She gave us a friendly smile then left us to have some time alone.

Or maybe to give James more space to dance.

"James calm down!" I scolded.

"Yes ma'am. What should we name our baby?" He asked.

"Harry James Potter." I answered quickly, almost too quickly.

"And for a girl, Emily Leilani Potter." James followed.

"It's going to be a boy." I state firmly.

"Says who?" James challenged.

"Me. I'm carrying our little boy so only I would know." I reply sure of myself.


Then four months later we discovered that we were having twins! A boy and a girl. Wait. Where did Harry's twin end up? What if she died?! What if the meddling coot did something?! My mind was racing.


Finally! It was my birthday, and the day my dad got murdered.


Around two months later I gave birth to a set of twins. Harry being the older one by five hours has already told off a healer for 'messing' with his sister. Only then did I realize that was why Harry could recognize which is Fred and which was George. Because he has a twin.

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