Prisoners of azkaban part 1

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Harry's POV

I looked around the shrieking shack. When I looked at the animals they weren't there instead I saw two people.

My father and Godfather.

I held my wand out gripping it tight. J was on the edge of using the very curse that I survived.

"Woah, not cool. We would really appreciate you putting your wand away." My father says.

"Like I'd trust you and conveniently ignore the fact that you're both the reason my mum is dead! Or even be off guard in the presence of two murderers!" I retorted.

"What?!" Ron and Hermione asks in unison.

"No, you're dad's dead. He couldn't have been the reason your mum's dead, neither could he be here." Hermione looked very confused.

"He is most certainly infront of us!" Ron argued.

"Harry, please hear us out. You're mum would've wanted you too." Black pleaded.

"Oh so now you're playing the mum card? I didn't know you could stoop lower! Leila-" Then I caught myself. Then corrected myself. "Mum would be here if you didn't betray her... Or maybe if my existence wasn't required, she'd be here with Ron and Hermione..."

"Harry what do you mean?" Ron asked.

"Well the two prisoners here are the reason my mum or should I say Leilani Lily Lupin is dead. She time-traveled to the past. When I eavesdropped on the minister, Mcgonagall, Hagrid and Rosmerta I learnt a dark secret. The both of them killed my mum. So I'll kill them too, -"


"What are you doing? Don't you want to avenge your own daughter? Why are you helping them?!" I asked. I don't get it!

"Harry you have to hear them out! There's a confusion!"

"The only thing that is confusing why are helping them!"

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