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Leilani Lily Lupin was bored. She was waiting for her Hogwarts letter that never seem to came. Sighing she thought she was a squib until...

An owl crashed into her window. She opened her window and took the letter.

Yes! She has been accepted.

"Dad! Dad! I got my letter! I got accepted!" She screams in excitement.

You wondering why she screamed dad twice but not mum? That is a pretty dark story...

Leilani was five. It was on a full moon. Her dad has gone. She was playing with her mum. Then the door broke. Fennir Greyback had broken the door. Her mother, Lily has pleaded him to leave them alone. The Werewolf slowly killed her mother before her eyes. Terrified she ran. But the savage has caught up with her. Greyback has bitten Leilani. Leilani is a Werewolf.
The next day, her father was depressed to find what has happened to his family. Dead and bitten.

Anyways back to the present time.

Her dad told her,"I'm so proud of you." He ended with a sad smile.

You think it's because she was going to Hogwarts and he would miss his daughter? Partially, yes. Mainly because Leilani looked a lot like her mother. Leilani had her mother's eyes and hair. Otherwise, she could've been her father's twin. Little did the redhead know she would be being best friends with the boy who lived and her future son.

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