Zayn shook his head, eyes watering slightly. "I'm gonna go look for Haz. You can stay with Liam, babe."

Zayn turned to leave when Oliver spoke up, "Daddy?" He whimpered.

"No Oli, I'll be back I promise." Zayn tried to hide his wobbly voice.

"No. Oli wants daddy." The three year old continued. "I go with daddy, Lili. Daddy pease." Oliver turned in Liam's arms stretching his arms out towards Zayn.

Zayn finally gave in, quickly wiping his eyes free of any tears. Oliver all but threw himself into his daddy's arms and Zayn held him tight, swaying side to side. "Oli sorry, daddy." He whimpered.

"It's okay baby. Now let's go find uncle Harry." Zayn soothed the toddler. "You really are your papa's child." Zayn muttered.

Harry was waiting at the entrance of the his studio booth. Looking at the way Zayn held Oliver close. He should've been concerned but he knew that Oliver was being difficult, he knew that Oliver was acting completely like Louis and it always did a number on Zayn. He saw so many characteristics of Louis in Oliver more and more each time he saw him. And by the look on Zayn's face, Harry knew what was going on.

"How did my favorite godson like his surprise? Did daddy ruin it again?" Harry smiled opening his arms for Oliver, half expecting him to cuddle in closer to Zayn's chest (which he knew was gonna happen).

"Haz, he's your only godson. And he did enjoy and no I didn't ruin it for him." Zayn answered himself (Harry knew he ruined it).


Throughout the day Oliver stayed by Zayn's side at the front desk coloring in his Avengers coloring book. Normally he'd be with Liam and Harry mucking about in the studio but when Oliver knew he upset his father he tended to stick to him like glue. Zayn never minded when Oliver got like this. He was acting so much like Louis today and it made Zayn start to doubt himself about whether or not he should go through and help Louis. He would have to talk to Harry about his when they went for lunch. Which should be in 3...2... "Hey Z, I know you wanted to chat today so we are going out to lunch while Li takes Oli out for ice cream!" Harry cheered.

"No, I stay wif daddy." Oliver replied sternly, griping onto Zayn's leg.

"Why don't we all go out to lunch and go to the park for a bit so daddy can talk to uncle Harry," Zayn reasoned with the toddler "How does that sound babe?"

It seemed Oliver had to think about it for a moment before he hesitantly nodded "I play wif Lili and Daddy talks to H and then we go pick up daddy's friend."

Harry's head snapped over in Zayn's direction, with a questioning glare "what friend of daddy's bug?"

Zayn smiled sheepishly turning and grabbing both his and Oli' jackets from the back of his chair, "That's what I wanted to talk to you about actually."

Harry glared at Zayn until Liam wrapped his arm around his waist, "We'll take Zayn's today since 1. Harry forgot Oliver car seat and 2. So did I."

All 4 of then made their way out to Zayn's Range Rover, with Oliver clutching Zayn's hand in his. Zayn bent down to pick Oliver up and help him into his seat while Liam climbed in and sat next to him, Harry up front and Zayn (of course) is driving. "Where d'you wanna go for lunch bud?"

"Oli's favorite place, daddy." The toddler concluded, kicking his legs as Liam made an attempt to get him to change his mind and go to Nandos instead of McDonalds.

"Can we go to Nandos instead babe? Daddy'll get you that ice cream sundae you love so much." Zayn tried to change his sons mind.

"Wif chocoate daddy?" Oliver cheered.

"What's a sundae without chocolate?" Zayn laughed.

Once at Nandos Zayn ran inside and placed the order, waiting for the food (it took 20 minutes). Zayn started to think about his decision and he started to slowly talk himself out of it declaring he needed to ring the doctor and tell him he couldn't take Louis (we all know he wasn't gonna be able to do that) .


They were at the park, Oliver sticky with chocolate sauce and running away from Liam giggling when Harry finally asks him "So what aren't you telling me?"

Zayn bows his head, shoulders slumped as he replies "Uhm, Louis' in the hospital and he's got nowhere to go," he begins "a doctor called me last night asking if I would take him until he can remember."

Harry looked at him shocked. He's never met Louis but he knows who he is and he knows what he's done to his best mate. Harry stared after what seemed like forever, "What do you mean they want you to care for him?"

"They want me to watch him until he gets his memory back," Zayn began "I'm all he has, Harry. His parents didn't want anything to do with him, when he came out to them. He lived with my family." Zayn looked at Harry, a conflicted look on his face. He really wanted to help Louis but with both Lou and Oli, he doesn't know how he'll do it.

"Z," Harry sighed, "He left you while you were pregnant, with no help. Are you sure you want to help him after that?"

"Listen Haz, I know what he did and it was wrong, I'll admit that. But he didn't leave me completely alone. I still had my dad and Niall (occasionally)."

"Well Niall only checked on you a few times. He didn't go to any appointments, he didn't help you with morning sickness, nor did he help you with your cravings. And your dad gave you money to survive. You were still alone Zayn." Harry pleaded.

Zayn looked at Harry in disbelief, he was very much aware of how much help he had thank you very much. He doesn't need his best mate to be throwing this back in his face. He doesn't need to relive it all over again "I'm aware Harry, thanks. I know what he did and I know I didn't have much help but this is my first love we're talking about here. I'm always gonna love him. I just I have to do this and take care of him. I need to have my family even if it's for a litter while. I won't tell Oliver that Louis is his papa, if Louis figures it out when his memory comes back and if he really wants to know then I'll tell him."

Harry sighed, pulling Zayn into a tight hug "I understand. If I were to be in the same situation with Liam, I'd do the same thing. Just please, please don't get hurt. My home is always welcome to you and Oliver if it gets to be too much, okay? I love you Zee, promise me you'll come to me if you need it."

Zayn smiled, "Thanks Haz, I love you too. I will and I promise. Thank you for being there for me."

And that was that, Zayn would be picking up Louis from the hospital later on with Oli by his side.

Alright and that concludes chapter 3 ! Thanks for reading and I hope you guys enjoy it ! Also what kind go Zouis fic would it be if there wasn't Lirry , eh?

Anyways sorry for the wait but I really hope you enjoy it ! I had a bit of trouble with the ending if you can't tell but please feel free to leave feedback and if you decide you like this chapter, don't be afraid to vote !

Thanks guys, love you loads ! Xx

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