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Louis woke up early the next morning due to a tiny toddler moving around on his chest, trying to either get comfortable or trying to wake him up. The next thing he wasn't expecting was a tiny yawn, indicating the toddler was indeed trying to get comfortable. It was odd that Oliver was so comfortable around him enough to come into his room and sleep with him. Something wasn't right, Zayn wasn't telling him everything.

How in the world has it only been a day and this tiny, adorable human is so attached to him? He decided he'd ask Zayn later but for now, the squirming toddler was not making it easy on his bladder, "Hey Oli," Louis whispered, carding his fingers through the toddlers hair. All he got in return was a grunt and a "shhh, seepin", Louis chuckled.

"C'mon Oli, I really gotta go to the toilet." Louis whispered, gently lifting the toddler off of his chest and to the other side of the bed. Oliver grunted and whined at the movement.

"No wou, I seepin." The toddler whined, trying to scoot closer to the hazel haired man. Louis laughed but tried to get out of bed gently and quietly not to move the grumpy, sleepy toddler. Louis wandered over to the bathroom across the hall, careful not to make any noise.

Louis stood in front of the mirror for a good few minutes, just staring at his reflection. He looked the same as in the photos Zayn showed him last night when they were in uni. He wasn't able to quite exactly pin point some features. He looked so happy and carefree in those photos, but now he just looks tired and sad.

Somethings don't sit right with him. Were he and Zayn really only friends? He just continued to stare as if his reflection would give off some kind of clue. Louis was brought out of his thoughts as a tiny knock was heard on the door, and Oliver peeked his head through. Louis sighed as he opened the door wider for the yawning toddler to make his way over to him, reaching his arms up, letting Louis know he wanted to be picked up. "I thought you were sleeping, hmm?"

"Can't seep wit jus Ouie," the toddler hummed "Wouie otay?"

Louis smiled, nodding his head "Yeah bud," he sighed "Wouies okay."

Oliver nodded resting his head on Louis shoulder, "Ouie hungy".

Louis chuckled, "Alright bud, what do you say about some pancakes for us and daddy hmm?"

That made oliver perk right up, "yes yes! Pancake!" The toddler shouted, slapping his hand over his mouth, letting giggles slip out. He's not meaning to wake up daddy!

Louis laughed tickling the toddlers side, making Oliver squirm and yelp, "s'everything alright?," came Zayn's sleep filled voice.

"Yeah, yeah. Go get some more rest. I can handle Oli. Can't be too hard with a dad like you." Louis smiled.

Zayn nodded, slipping back into his room and going back to sleep, "now let's not try to wake up daddy again, he needs his rest to put up with you," Louis chuckled as he tickled Olivers sides, making the toddler squeal.

Louis and oliver slowly made their way down to the stairs to the kitchen to surprise Zayn with pancakes and maybe some tea (if Louis could figure out how he takes it). Oliver wiggled around indicating he would very much indeed like to be set down so he can help.

Just as Louis set the toddler down, he took a chair and placed it in front of the could term so he could climb and point to out what was where to Louis, because he'd done this so many times with daddy and Unca Lili. "Bowl, dere!" He shouted pointing to the cabinet just to the left of the refrigerator or ice box as Oli calls it.

Louis nodded, as he reached up to grab the bowl, "now what?" He asked the toddler.

"Ssugar and fower," the toddlers eyebrows knotted, trying to concentrate and pick the right cabinet "dere!" He exclaimed, smiling and point at the cabinet across the room. Louis nodded and padded over to the corner cabinet to get out the sugar and flour, then to the regrigerator for the milk and eggs all that was left was the vanilla and the sun flower oil (it was Harrys idea), Louis found those on his own.

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