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A few days have passed and Louis spends most of them with Oli, tucked in the posh flat that is Louis' home. They've decided to stay at Louis' place, hoping that it'll be easier on his memory. So far nothing.

Louis is just so tired of not being able to remember a damn thing he just wants to remember something. He's so tired of constantly asking questions and letting Zayn do all the work when it's his flat. Zayn has a better idea of where everything is, considering he's been the one to cook and sometimes clean. Sometimes Louis will help him out while Oli plays in the sitting room with his toys and a movie playing in the background.

Louis sighs, frustrated with himself.

"Everything alright Lou?" Zayn asks as he places his hand on Louis' shoulder.

Louis shrugs, moving a little closer to Zayn "I dunno Z. I just- fuck , I just wanna remember!"

Zayn jumps slightly, wasn't expecting Louis to shout, "I know babe I know and you will okay? You'll remember eventually. I promise."

Louis looks at him like he doesn't believe but soon nods and hangs his head, "I'm just so tired Z. I can't do this anymore. Nothings working! I just want my memory back. Can we go see the doctor tomorrow and ask how long it may take?"

"Sure thing, Lou. I don't know if they'll know but we can definitely try to get some kind of answer. Alright?" Zayn explains, bundling Louis in his arms.

Louis sighs, moving his arms so he has them wrapped tight around Zayn. He doesn't know what it is but he knows, there's something Zayn isn't telling him. He knows it but for now he'll just wait and see what it is and if he can get a single thing from the man.

Zayn unwound his arms from around Louis, gently pushing him towards his room, "Go lay down, mess about with you ipad or something. I'm just gonna take Oli for a drive to hopefully put him to sleep." Louis wants to go with them but Zayn has that look in his eye where he knows that his answer won't be a good one.

Louis just nods, making his way to his room and pulling out his ipad, just exploring trying to figure everything out. Louis clicks on his Facebook and immediately is startled by the alarming amount of messages and comments he has. Hesitantly, he opens his notifications first and clicking the picture that seems to be getting all of the attention. He goes still and his mouth goes dry at the image. It's himself and Zayn long ago it appears. Smiles on their faces and faces close, the caption reading 'I'll always love you no matter what.'
Louis freezes and immediately leaves the app. What if this is what Zayn was hiding? What if they used to be together?

So many thoughts were buzzing around in Louis' mind. He was frozen, panting and freaking out. He decides against telling Zayn in hopes he would tell him himself. Louis lays back just as he hears the front door close and Zayn's footsteps approaching the guest room, next door. Louis holds his breathe in hopes Zayn will stay there and just leave Louis be but of course Zayn wouldn't do that.

There was a light knock on his door, just as Zayn poked his head through, "you alright Lou?"

"Yeah, I uh I'm just tired. Got bored of messing about on the ipad. Oli asleep?"

"Knocked out as we speak, but I'm a little tired myself. The appointment is all set up for tomorrow at 9. We'll have to stop and drop Oli off at Harry's if that's alright?" Zayn questioned, head titled.

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