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After the mornings incidents, Zayn and Louis cleaned everything up, as well as make breakfast. Currently Zayn was on the phone with Harry and Lou was sat in the sitting room with Oli, "He's just like how I remember him Haz. He's still the same old Louis. My same old Louis." Zayn sighed.

"Listen Z, he left you! He left you all alone to raise Oli all by yourself. You need to be careful around him. Don't slip up and don't fall for him. He doesn't deserve you." Harry reminded.

"I can't help it Harry, I haven't stopped loving him. I haven't stopped thinking about him," Zayn chuckled dryly "I still have everything he's given me from primary on. I can't help it Haz." He whispered.

"He left you Z! You can't let him suck you back in! I cant let you get hurt again. This was a bad idea Zayn. You shouldn't have agreed to this." Harry replied, desperately trying to get his best mate to see that Louis wasn't good for him.

Zayn sniffled, "It isn't. He needed help and I made a promise a long time ago that I'd be there for him no matter what. I grew up with him Harry. I can't just let him down. I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

Harry sighed, because he knew what Zayn meant. Before him and Liam were a thing he was always there for him and he knew that if he were in the same situation, he'd do the exact same thing, "I know babe, I just. Please be careful. I won't allow him to break your heart again."

Zayn smiled, "I know you won't Haz. Thank you so much. I don't know what I'd do without you. I love you."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I love you too. You big sap. But listen I gotta go, Li has this banquet thing tonight and I have to get ready." Harry chuckled.

"Alright tell Li that I love him and good luck! And also Louis' a huge fan of his."

"Of course he is! My boyfriend is the best," Harry replied, confidence and fondness creeping into his voice "I'll be sure to tell Li about him then. Bye babe, love you."

"Love you too Haz! Have fun!" Zayn sighed as the line went dead.

"Who was that?"

"Jesus christ , Lou! You can't just sneak up on me like that!" Zayn shouted, clutching his chest.

Louis chuckled, "I'm sorry Zayn."

Zayn glared, with no real heat, "that was Harry. He wanted to know how you were doing."

Louis looked confused, trying to remember who Harry was, "Harry?"

"Yeah my best mate, the one I told you about," Louis still looked confused, "the one that's dating Liam Payne?"

Louis' face lit up at the mention of his favorite football player, "Oh! How is he then?"

"He's good, yeah. Li has some banquet tonight, so he had to go." Zayn sighed.

Louis looked at Zayn, a little worried "is everything alright Zayn?"

Zayn looked up and gave Louis a hesitant smile, "Yeah Lou, everything's fine."

Louis of course didn't believe him but let it go anyways, "hey, I was wondering if maybe we could go back to my flat. So maybe I can remember things ya know?"

Zayn looked up with tired eyes, "Yeah Lou. Course we can go. Go get ready and I'll get Oli, so we can go. Afterwards we have to go down to the shops."

Louis nodded and made his way back up the stairs to his room, while Zayn went to go grab Oli and change him. "C'mon babe, we have to go get ready to go to Lou's house!" Zayn fake cheered.

"No daddy, no Auntie Lou!" Oliver shouted.

"Calm down, babe. Not auntie Lou, we're going to Louis'." Zayn laughed. Olivers little face lit up, and took off full speed to his room. Zayn shook his head, following after the giddy toddler.

As he reached the last step he heard Louis' voice, flowing throughout the hallway. Louis only ever sung when he was happy or excited but from what Zayn can hear he's singing their song. Zayn's smile brightened, as he heard the familiar lyrics of Look After You, humming to himself, he made his way over to Oli to pick out some cutoff shorts and his favorite tank top.

Louis peaked his head in as he heard Olis' little voice, "Daddy, is wouie goin bye bye?"

"Not yet baby, daddy made a promise to Lou to help him get better. Remember when daddy said he was sicky?" Zayn replied, carding his fingers through the feathery hazel hair.

Oliver nodded, burying his face in Zayn's shoulder, "he goin bye bye after daddy helps him?"

Zayn sighed, "Yeah bub, but maybe we convince him to come visit every now and then. Would you like that baby?"

Oliver whimpered, but nodded nonetheless "I don want Wouie to weave. Oui wuv him."

Louis' heart broke, he would never leave oliver like that! He would always be around, there is no chance in hell he'd ever let the toddler think he was leaving him because he wasn't and he isn't going to no matter what he remembers. He promises he's always gonna be around no matter what the truth is, "I'd never leave you pumpkin. I'm never leaving you." Louis whispered to himself, "I promise."

Louis snuck his way downstairs, so neither males knew he was eavesdropping. He's not leaving, Zayn would have to get rid of him, himself if he wanted Louis to leave. Louis sat quietly, on the couch waiting for these two important males that he's only known for a little while. He has a feeling there's something more to Zayn's story, he just needs to figure out what and when he figures it out, he's not leaving, he's never leaving.

"I promise."


First off I wanna say I'm absolutely so sorry this took nearly a month ! I don't want to leave you guys hanging for too long next time !

Second off , holy shit 4.18k reads already ?! I didn't think my little story would get this much ! But god , thank you so much for taking the time to read, vote and comment . It means the absolute world to me ! Thank you so so much ! I'm thinking of starting dedications ! Anyways just thank you so fucking much for taking the time to read this !

I also apologize for the shit ending . I couldn't decide how to close it off but in the next chappie , they'll be at Louis' flat !

Also should I do a character ask or nah ?

Anyways thank you once again and I hope you enjoy ! Please feel free to vote, comment and leave feedback ! It's always welcomed !

- Miranda xx

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