"You're lying." I say backing away from him.


"Tell me you're lying!" I yell at him.

"I wish I was, Ali. I really wish I was." he says trying to step closer to me, but I just back up even more.

"Why?" I ask in a hushed tone.

"Grandma got worse, she needed medicine and I didn't have the money. John knew what was going on and he told me that he would give me the medicine if I told him where you were."

I stood there in silence. It felt like hours, but I know that it was only a couple of seconds. In those seconds I had a lot of thoughts go through my head. Like, what happens to me now? Will John take me back to New York? Will he make me his slave again? Am I ever going to see daylight again? Is Jay really my friend?

"He's coming in a few hours to get you, and Leo. I came here to tell you because I couldn't bare it anymore. Ali-"

"Go." I say.

"Ali, please listen-"

"Go, Jay! Leave!" I yell at him. He stares at me for a minute, but soon enough leaves.

I was left there. Scared and alone once again. I didn't know what to do, but I knew I couldn't stay here. I begin to pack up all of my clothes and such in my luggage. I had to go warn Leo. We had to stay together now. Because Leo is all I had now. I didn't notice I was crying the whole time I was packing until I looked in my bathroom mirror. I was a mess, but then again, I was always a mess. I can't believe this. Once I thought that I was free, and once I was about to let go and let people in, everything came crashing in.

Once I finish packing I quickly put on my shoes and run out the door. But before I can even leave the lobby I bumped into the one person I didn't need to see right now.


"Are you okay?" he asks. He glances at my luggage in confusion then back at me. "Where are you going?"

"Luke, I-" I begin to say but I really couldn't find the words to say, "I'm leaving."

"Are you going to vacation?" he asks.

"No, Luke. I'm leaving for good." I say feeling myself begin to cry again. My make-up is probably running down my face.

"What? Why?" he asks with a crushed face.

"It's complicated. I just have to go." I half-sobbed.

"Why is everything complicated with you?" he asks. "Just tell me, what's going on?" he asks taking a step closer to me.

"I have to go, Luke. I have no time. Please, let me go." I beg.

"What about last night? All the things we talked about, all we been through?" he says. "What about us?"

I don't know why, but I laughed. I laughed at him. I could see his eyes beginning to tear up, but all I do is laugh.

"You really thought there could be an 'us?' That's so sweet, but Luke, we both knew that there would never be an 'us.'" I laugh bitterly.

"Ali, I know you're lying." he chokes.

"A girl like me could never date a guy like you." I say honestly. "I'm sorry but I have to go."

I run out before he can say anything. I ran until my feet hurt, and even until then, I kept running. I ran all the way to Leo's house. I couldn't tell Luke now. I had no time. John could be here any minute.

Once I make it to Leo's house I heard yelling. That could only mean one thing. He was here. John. I felt my heart beat faster. I forgot how scared I felt every time I hear John's voice. I felt like that scared little kid again listening to him screaming.

Another Broken GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora