Chapter 38

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Ali's POV

It was hard to wake up today. I was so tired from yesterday, but I had to go to work eventually. Hunter and I walked together to work, but it seemed different. We didn't talk the whole way there, but I guess he's just tired as well.Once I make it to the restaurant I go straight to the locker room. I didn't feel like socializing with the other girls right now. Right now I just want this day to get over with so I can go back to bed.

"Hey there." Ashely says as I exit the locker room.

"Hey." I say blankly.

"Someone's tired today," she teases but I just shrug, "you have a guest."

"Guest?" I ask raising an eyebrow. She nods then goes back to wiping the tables. Still confused I walk slowly to the entrance to see the person I least expected, but happy to see.

"Hey." Luke says.

"What are you doing here?" I ask walking closer to him.

"Figured I'd pass by." He says putting his hands in the pockets of his hoodie.

"It's six in the morning." I counter.

"Well, you'd laugh if I told you I just wanted to see you." he says smirking making sure to give me a wink.

"Wow, you want to see me at six in the morning? I feel so special." I say sarcastically walking over to the kitchen to get a rag to clean the tables with.

"You might as well make yourself useful." I say as he follows me to the kitchen.

"Want me to wash dishes?" he asks jokingly.

"No, that's Hunter's job." I say pointing over to Hunter, who waves at us, but Luke doesn't wave back, he just glares at him.

"Ok, so you will be cleaning." I say giving him a sweep to clean the floor.

We both start to clean up before the restaurant opens. He cracks a few stupid jokes and warms up to the girls. When Luke wasn't listening they told me that he was a nice guy, and of course Tracey and Ashely was suggesting a relationship between us, but as usual I denied it.

"We're about to open." I tell Luke as we put the cleaning supplies away.

"Ok?" he says, but more like a question to explain further.

"Leave." I say copying his tone.

"I'm not leaving." he says putting his hands in his pockets again.

"Why not? You already helped out." I ask.

"I want to help out the rest of the day." he explains. I find it kind of sweet that he wants to stay, but I don't want him here.

"You should." Ashely says putting her elbow on my shoulder.

"Yeah, you can stay." Tracey says putting her elbow on my other shoulder.

"See, Ali? Your friends want me here." he says. I don't really see them as friends. I see them more of people I just work with. I don't bother to correct him though because that would be rude.

"Fine." I give in making Ashely and Tracey cheer.

"You'll work in my section. You'll ask people if they need refills or done with their plates. That's it."

"No problem." he says.

"It's always really busy in the morning so stay out of my way." I warn him.

After a few minutes after opening the restaurant people started to enter. A few people came at first, but as expected the restaurant filled.As I gave Randy an order I glanced over to Luke. It was sort of cute watching him serve the customers. He looked so lost and confused.

"Who's that?" Randy asks through his window.

"A friend. He wanted to help out." I explain still looking at him ask customers if they want refills.

"A friend, huh? You are getting busy aren't you?'" Randy asks teasingly.

"What do you mean?" I ask scrunching my eyebrows together.

"I mean Hunter and that boy. It's like I'm watching a TV series." he says flipping a flapjack.

"There's nothing going on." I say rolling my eyes. Why does everyone think that there's a romantic conflict that's happening?

"This really is a TV series. You are so blind." He says giving me my order.I just roll my eyes and take the order to the table. Luke is still giving out refills and collecting empty plates. I can't help but laugh at him. It's both amusing and adorable.

"This waiter thing is harder than it looks." Luke whispers to me as we walk back to the kitchen.

"I can tell you were struggling." I say while filling a glass with soda.

"Yeah. Is there always this much people?" he asks staring at all of the filled tables.

"Yeah. Don't worry. It dies down." I say bringing the glass to the customer who ordered it.As said, it does die down as it comes closer and closer to dinner time. It's already getting dark outside and the customers left.

"I'm tired." Luke whines sitting on the empty booth.

"You barely did anything." I point out sitting in the booth with him.

"I'm a bit hungry. Mind taking my order?" he asks with a wink.

"Are you serious?" I ask hiding my smile.

"I haven't eaten all day. Plus I'm a customer." he says leaning back in the seat and rests his hands on the top of the seat.

"Fine, fine. I'll see what they have." I say getting up and enter the kitchen. It's almost closing time so Randy wouldn't be cooking by now. Luckily I managed to snag a sandwich.I came back to the table where Luke was and hand him the sandwich and a glass of water.

"Are you going to eat anything?" he asks taking a bite of the sandwich.

"Nah. I'm not hungry." I say sitting down.

"Well, you have to eat, so you'll half with Me." he says already cutting the sandwich in half and handing it to me.

"Thanks." I say accepting the sandwich. I can feel his eyes never leaving me. It's strange, but I don't mind.

"So, do you want to come by tomorrow? The guys are coming over." he asks.

"Sure." I say as we take the last few bites of our sandwiches.

"Hey." he says. I glance my eyes up at him and he just smirks. He puts his hand in his water and then flicks it at me.

"What the hell?" I ask laughing.

I quickly dip my figures in the water I got for myself and flick it at him as well.We begin to flick water at each other and laugh at how stupid this is. Soon I stood up and ran so he wouldn't flick water at me anymore. Of course it didn't do any good since he ran after me still flicking water at me.When I flick water at him again Luke takes my arms and holds on to them so I don't flick water at him anymore. He's still chuckling as I struggle to get out of his grasp.

"You're cute when you struggle." he chuckles.

"Shut up." I say giving up on trying to break out of his hold.

"Ali." he says letting go of one of my arms and then lifting my chin up. He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear and let's go of my other arm to wrap it around my waist.I begin to get lost in his eyes causing me not to realize how close he's getting to me. Right now, I don't care.

"I think I-"

"Lukey!" a high pitched squeal says interrupting us.

"Isabelle?" he says surprised letting go of me causing me to fall back a little.

"Aw, Lukey I missed you so very much!" she squeals once again giving him a big hug.

This is Isabelle?

I thought she was blonde, which she is, but I thought she was going to be charming, smart, and sophisticated. But she's the exact opposite. She's annoying, a bimbo, and defiantly has a reading level as a fifth grader.

"You're Isabelle?" I ask surprised.

"Yes, I am. And who the hell are you?"

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