Chapter 5- Detective Squad!

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Kotomi decided to join Moon Beauty Class. She admired its S4 member, Kasumi Mahiru (who's sister was a famous supermodel known all over the world and her brother was part of the famous group, M4) due to her mature personality and expertise in karate.

Asumi admired Yume due to her ability to make people smile and her amazing performances.

"Kotomi-chan!" screamed Asumi waving a flier. "Look! Look! There's auditions to be in a new movie called 'The detective squad!' It'll have both S4 and M4!"

"What's it about?" she asked.

"M4 live a double life as thieves, Kaito Red, Prince, Cool and Little. S4 acts as the detectives who are trying to find the mischievous thieves."

"Interesting... I've once caught a phantom thief myself," Kotomi commented.

"Then maybe you can help!" said Asumi. "You've got a lot of experience after all. Maybe the director would let you try." Kotomi smiled. Then she read the flier. "And we have to audition in pairs! I was hoping that you and I could audition together!"

"Sounds fun. Let's do it," replied Kotomi. Even though they were extras, she still wanted to talk about her experiences to the director.


"So, we are just the suspects of this case?" Asumi nodded. "We just make quick appearances and that's it, right?"

"Yup! But, this is the start line for all great actress. S4's Saotome Ako-senpai, Yume-senpai, Koharu-senpai and even Sakruaba Laura-senpai in England were also in a movie like this. It was called Rock Rock Girls and it had the 25th generation S4! This could be how we rise to fame!"

Kotomi sighed. "You rise to fame by doing a lot of jobs and catching people's attention." Asumi nodded again.

"Hello!" said Yume as she approached the two. She noticed the poster. "Ah! Are you going to audition for 'the Detective Squad?' It'll be a ton of fun!"

"Yes! And Kotomi says she's also caught a phantom thief before!"

"Really? Then, I'll introduce you to the director! He might want to hear your stories."

"Um... Yume-senpai?" began Asumi. "How does the movie end? We students were given a brief summary but I'm so curious!"

"Well, we can't tell you but the love story will be good. Anyway, I got some work to do. Bye!"

Asumi and Kotomi watched as their senpai walked away. "Love Story?" Asumi went. "Don't tell me that..."

"You think that Nijino-san and Yuki-kun are going to end up together?" Kotomi replied. "Well, I think so too. Nijino-san doesn't realise how much Yuki-kun likes her so it's a probability that she may just think of this as a normal story."

"Then we need to get those parts so we can keep an eye on them!" Asumi took out her camera. "I bought a camera just for this! So, I'll be mad if they don't end up together by the end of the year!"


"Relax!" Kotomi said. "You have to pretend to be someone you're not. I know it's hard, but trust me."

Asumi sighed. "I'm not as good as you."

"Don't worry," reassured Kotomi. "I've done this before during stakeouts. Act natural." Asumi kept staring at the floor. "Fine. What would you do if you were a suspect?"

"Uh..." said Asumi as she placed a finger on her chin. "I would... be really nervous and I wouldn't know what to do! And I easily get flustered too!"

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