Chapter 9-the sleepover

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"Hello?" I called in so i didnt make my dad or brother jump

"Im in the living room" his voice was heard in the distance

"Hey dad this is Bill and you know Bev" i chuckled

"Hello,nice to meet you Bill" my dad stood up to greet him

"N-nice to m-meet you too" Bill smiled up as he shook my dads hand

"Is it okay if he stays for dinner? And if Bev sleeps?" I asked battering my eye lashes at him even though i knew he couldnt say no if they were right there.

"Of course! Any special requests for dinner?" We all shrugged

"What about that pasta we had last time you were round Bev?" He offered

"Sounds good Mr L/n"

"Please, Call me too Bill" my dad smiled at him before going to the kitchen.

"Y/n!" My excited brother came running down the stairs

"Hey bud,this is Bill" i said introducing them to eachother


"Were gunna go upstairs so come get us when dinner done yeh?" I asked Chris and he nodded and went over to watch TV

"Your dads so chill" Bev giggled as we went up to my room.

We continued to talk and gossip until i heard a light knock on my door.

"Dinner" a soft voice said behind the door and i instantly knew it was Chris

We all came down and ate our pasta and eventually all sat down for a game of monopoly.we didnt quite get to finish it because Chris and Bill had fallen asleep.

"Want me to call Bills parents to ask if he can sleep? He seems pretty tired" My dad asked pointing towards the phone

"Yeah okay" i smiled before looking at the sleeping was now 11 so I decided to carry Chris up to bed.After that u shook Bill awake.

"Billy" i said as he groaned

"O-oh i n-n-need to g-get ho-home" he panicked and started to stand up.

"Nono my dad phone your parents and they said because its so late you can sleep over" i smiled and got a smile back and we went up stairs.

"Ill get you some blankets and Bev you can sleep on my Bed with me" i came back with a sleeping bag and 3 pillows so Bill could decide how he wants to sleep.

"Here where these Bill,my dad got them for me but they were too big" i passed him a pair of grey sweats and he walked out to get changed.

"Goodnight" i mumbled with my head already hitting the pillow soon enough falling into a deep sleep.

Suddenly i shot up in bed in a cold sweat.i looked around the dark room and saw that Bill and Bev were no longer there.

"B-Bill,B-Bev?" I stuttered out

"Your worthless" i distant voice echoed

"W-what?" I questioned back

"No one likes you,ill never like you" i could now work out whos voice it was..

You and I... ~Bill Denbrough x reader~Where stories live. Discover now