Life's a bitch, then you die, then you sell your soul PART FOUR

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"Hello Tamsin." A mans voice startled my eyes open, which I was sure were never closed. I looked around to see nothing but darkness and a man standing in a black suit. His hair was short and his beard was also short but rough. "Hello." He said again.
"Where am I? What happened? I was in the pool!" My heart was racing and I felt as if I could barely breathe again.
"Calm down. You're alright. Sort of..." He said.
"I said where am I!" I screamed at him.
"Wow. Your loud.. I'll tell you so calm down. We only have a few anyway."
"A few for what?"
"Tamsin, I'm sorry to tell you but you died..."
"What? So how am I standing here talking to you?" There's no way this is really happening.
"Your in an, how can I say it, in the in between.." he sounded unsure of himself. "This is where you can choose. Between heaven of hell."
"I don't understand. Heaven and hell? Are you joking right now. You can't be serious. I've never even done anything wrong how could I go to hell?" I became slightly frightened.
"I never said you were going to hell.. I said you can choose between heaven and hell." He walked closer to me. "My apologies I didn't introduce myself. My name is Luci... Victor. I'm the.."
"The devil?" I stepped back.
"How'd you know?" He sounded confused again.
"I'm apparently dead but I'm not stupid." I rolled my eyes.
"I like you. I've seen you, and have watched you for reasons I can't explain, but I'm willing to make you a deal. A deal I don't make normally. I want you to.."
"Wait. Aren't you evil? Why do I have to talk to you." I cut him off.
"Uhh, well no I'm not evil. I'm good... ish. What humans write and say about me is very far off from the truth. You don't have to believe me but listen to what I have to say." I stood for a second and nodded to hear his offer.
"I'll listen."
"I'm sure you don't want to die, not yet anyways. Like I said I've watched you and you haven't seemed to enjoy your life very much." He spoke the truth. "So my deal is instead of moving on and crossing heavens gate, become a demon." I opened my eyes wide.
"What the hell did you just say?" A demon that's hilarious. "I'm definitely hallucinating right now."
"Tamsin I'm not screwing with you. I'm serious, I want you. My deal is that if you become a demon, I'll let you continue your life on earth just once in a while I'll want you to do some things. All you have to do is say the word, give me one thing and you can wake up from that pool." I was starting to realize this wasn't some hallucination or joke. This was really happening.
"Let me guess my soul... that's the one thing you want from me." For some reason I was becoming less afraid.
"Bingo! It sounds scarier than it is but I promise you I will let you go back, but if you keep your soul you can not transform into a demon."
"I... I don't know." I pondered on the idea. I wouldn't have to die, and hell maybe things can be different. They will be different. "I won't have to kill people right?"
"Oh god no!" He shook his head. "I would never make you do that. If you kill it's on your own free will. I let you know this, I don't let demons out of hell unless they're on a mission or collecting. Like I said I'll let you be, but only need you sometimes but most likely not a lot." He stood in front of me now.
"I'll be able to go back? Live my life normally?"
"I mean better, but normal." I can't believe I'm actually considering this.
"I need a bit more time."
"Actually sweetheart we're running out of time. I wasn't going to tell you this but l do like you so you should know that if you go to heaven you'll.." He paused.
"I'll what?"
"You can see... your mother again." My heart dropped. My mother. I missed her, I would do anything to see her again.
"My mother.. I.."
"I'll give you a bonus if you choose to give me your soul, I'll ask the angels to let you see your mother for a moment." He grabbed my hand sounding desperate.
"Why do you want me to be a demon so bad? What do you actually want from me?"
"Honestly, I think you would be good for someone. I think he could use you." Really a guy.
"I can't say, not yet anyways, unless."
"Unless I make the deal?" I really have nothing to lose. A guy he say, I never even got be "in love", have a first kiss, gone on a date. Hell I was too busy dreaming about being with Lufian.
"I know this is tough. I promise you your life will change for the better, but I won't force you because it's your choice to make." I was pretty sure of my decision.
"Let me see my mother first and I'll decide."
"No, take my deal than I'll tell the angels to let you see your mother for a moment." I could tell he wasn't to bright.
"You do understand that I could just not take your deal, go to heaven, and just see my mother anyways?"
"Oh shit.. you're right..." I shook my head. "Ok fine." He stayed quiet for a few seconds and suddenly a light shined from behind me. I turned quickly.
"My little girl, how you've grown." I couldn't speak. I couldn't move. My mother stood before me. "Tamsin, my little Tam Tam." She moved towards me. Is this true, am I really seeing my mother that died years ago..
"M.... mom?" She took my hands.
"Yes. It's me." Tears ran down her eyes and my watering eyes also couldn't control themselves. I hugged her, so tightly and I didn't want to let go.
"Mom I missed you so much. I wanted to talk to you so much." I cried.
"I know honey." She put her hands on my face. "I watch you from heaven, you always seem so sad and it breaks my heart." I always thought she was watching me but I never actually believed it.
"You've been watching me, is that true?"
"It is. I've seen everything. I've also seen your father, I'm so sorry honey. I'm so sorry. But I've also watched you and Casey and I'm so happy that you have him. I can tell he really loves and cares for you." She smiled and held my hands again.
"He's all I have now." I still couldn't believe I was talking to my mother.
"You know what I've also seen.." I said no, "A boy named Lufian." She smiled and looked toward Victor which made me see that time was running out.
"I don't know what you're talking about.." I lied.
"It's ok Tamsin. We all have a first love. He's cute, you have great taste."
"I agree." Victor cut in. He was definitely strange. "I'm sorry but you have to make a decision, times up I'm afraid." No. I need more time.
"Mom I."
"Tamsin, it's your choice. I want you with me but what kind of mother would I be if I controlled my little girls life? I can give you my opinions but in the end you need to make it yourself." She was right, she always was.
"But I just got you back how can I say goodbye again?" I didn't want that.
"I know. It hurts to say goodbye to you again too. But honey, you can live. And I know that you're going to do great things. I will see you again, no goodbye is forever." She kissed my forehead and smiled brightly. This was it. Do I want to live or die. I could be with my mother or I can go live my life out like I've always wanted. I think I'd be dumb not to take the deal.
"Ok." I turned towards Victor. "Ok, I'll take the deal." If this was true I only get one chance. "I'll become a demon."
"Are you sure this is your final chance?"
"My soul is yours to take." I turned back to my mother.
"Ok, it's done." I turned back to him.
"What? Just like that?"
"Yep, now you should say goodbye to your mother you'll be waking up soon."
"Mom" I faced her and squeezed her tight. "I don't want to let you go."
"I don't want to let you go either but our time is up." She let me go and stepped back. My tears wouldn't stop flowing. "And Tamsin, I love you so so much and I'm always going to be with you don't forget that."
"I love you too." I wiped my tears. A light started brightening around her. I knew she was going away. "Goodbye mom."
"See you around Esther." Victor stood beside me and waved at her. I looked at him, looked back and she was gone.
"She's gone."
"Yes but she's still with you, don't worry." He patted my head. "Now are ready?"
"To go back to the land of the living, duh." He grinned.
"I guess so. What do I do?"
"Just close your eyes and on three with a snap of my fingers open your eyes." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. And I waited.
"One, two,...... " *snap*

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