Life's a bitch, then you die, then you sell your soul PART THREE

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Honestly right now I didn't even have an appetite so I don't really care for going to the cafe. I know as soon as we got there I would but I just wanted to lay in my bed, close my eyes, and sleep for a very, very long time. Staring up at the blue sky with the sun shining down on my face I started to wonder if I'd ever be able to leave this small town and find something better out there for me. Whether it'd be college, a job, or love.As we approached a red light I came to a realization.
"Wait a minute, he knows who I am." I really just realized.
"Who are you talking about randomly" He asked and reached forward turning down the radio.
"Lufian, he knows who I am."
"Tam Tam, give up." He laughed. "I'm sorry but it's never gonna happen. Not because of you but because Rhiannons got him wrapped around her finger." He had a point.
"In Literature today we got partnered up and he himself sat next to me. Meaning he knows my name." I looked at Casey. "And that's progress." I looked away as he laughed and I joined.
We arrived at the cafe and Casey parked next to the curb in front of the place. I got out and stretched as if I had been sitting for a while but in reality only about ten minutes. As we entered we instantly joined in the short line waiting for our order to be taken. Per usual when we come here I was going to get cheese fries with a black coffee. Once it was our turn that's exactly what I ordered. Casey also got cheese fries with an apple flavored Snapple. When we got our order we sat at a small circle table in the middle of the place.
"It's hot and you still get coffee. I mean I would understand if it was iced, but it's regular coffee. Black at that." Casey started eating.
"Yes I know, but they do say drinking something hot while your hot helps cool you down..." I smiled and also ate a frie. "And what's wrong with black coffee. Sorry you have a taste for the finer things in life." I continued eating.
"There's nothing wrong with it. I just thing it's.... disgusting. And honestly, black like your soul sometimes." We laughed and ate till we both had nothing left. Though it was already four o'clock we sat there for a bit longer before heading to the car and going to the park in the middle of the town. One thing I hated about this town was the name. Everything had the town name in it. Daler high school, Daler galleria, Daler park, and a lot more. It's like man, did you have a big enough brain to add places to the town but not big enough to name them. Wait. I'd probably do the same. Oops. Casey keeps an old yellow blanket in his backseat so we grabbed that, put it on top of the grass and laid there for a bit. I laid on my back and Casey laid on his stomach once again with his eyes glued to his phone. I stared up at the sky with some clouds now covering the sun and some birds flying around. I didn't think I'd be able to nap but next thing I knew Casey was poking me telling me to get up, the sun was setting. Pulling my very old flip phone that I was still surprised functioned out my back pocket and checked the time to see it was 6:30. Managing to sit myself up I stretched my arms and fully stood. Casey gathered the blanket and we made our way to the parked car.
"I say we watch a movie when we get to the house and then head out." Casey said.
"I'm ok with just staying in the house, it's not like I want to go to some party."
"Tamsin, this is our senior year and you've never gone to a party before, and it's also your eighteenth birthday and we have to celebrate."
"We can celebrate. At your house watching movies all night." I would definitely rather that than going to a party where all the popular money spoiled brats would be at.
"That's no fun and I promised Rhiannon that I'd go. I know you don't like her and that's ok but because you love me you're gonna come to the party. Yes I'm being selfish, but I just really want you to go. I mean yeah the party is going to fun but it's gonna be much more fun with you there." He smiled.
"I know, which is why I'm going for you. I couldn't care less about not being able to celebrate my birthday." I turned my head and looked out the window watching the sun go down.
We got to Caseys house and he immediately popped some popcorn and put on the breakfast club. One of the best movies made in the eighties, and a perfect time killer. The movie was now over and there was a little less then thirty minutes left till nine. Casey took a shower and dressed in his 'party attire', jeans and a short sleeve dusty pink button up.
"Why are you bringing swim trunks for?" I sat on his bed as he was finishing up getting ready.
"Just in case I get wet. You never know when you want to jump in." He smiled and turned off the light.
"Wait, what. Wet? Swimming? Hold on where is the party at?" I walked out the room behind him super confused. He stopped before opening the front door and gave me quite an suspicious smile.
"Lets just say the party is by a pool."
"Ugh just take off your sweater and come on."
"I'll take the sweater off but tell me where the party is going to be at. I thought it was at Rhiannons place." I kept following him to the car where unknowingly I got in.
"Ok, don't be mad. The party's at the pool..."
"Casey what pool?" He murmured something and I hit his arm. "Say it where I can hear you!"
"The school pool!" He started the car.
"What! It's in the school? Are you insane! How?"
"Someone from the swim team snuck a copy of the keys."
"Oh my god. This is literally the plot of a story. If we get caught I..."
"We won't get caught. Everyone leaves the school at seven, and someone made sure no one was there. I got a text during the movie saying the party is on. Meaning we won't get caught also meaning nothing bad is going to happen, ok." I looked away rolling my eyes. He drove off and headed back to the school. I could just tell him to pull over and let me out but I'm honestly getting tired as being the girl who can't have fun.
"I thought you said we were showing up at ten." I said as we made the turn into a lot behind the school where it seemed everyone at the party parked their car.
"Nine forty close enough." He smirked. He parked the car and opened his door as I did after hesitating for a moment. "Come on. You'll be fine." He assured me. I got out and closed the door behind me looking to Casey, I was ready to head in.
"I don't want to stay for long so hurry up." I put a pout on my face and he walked next to me.
"Um... your forgetting something." I shook my head. "Your sweater. Take it off."
"Do I have to?" He responded with yes and I took it off. "OK! Happy? Take the damn sweater." I threw the sweater on his face and started walking towards the school. Casey quickly put the sweater in his car and jogged to me. We walked to a back entrance that I didn't even know existed and went to the pool. It looked like someone took the time to put in colored lights seeing as the room was flashing in different colors.
"Tam Tam I know you're only doing this for me but I'm also doing this for you." He put a strand of my hair behind my ear. "And look your one true love is gonna be here." I slapped his arm and rolled my eyes.
Casey walked to Rhiannon and she handed him a red cup filled with some alcohol. He took a sip from the cup and said it was strong, so it was some kind of liquor. As he walked around talking to people I stayed next to him almost attached to his hip. I looked around but didn't spot Lufian yet. For moment I thought maybe he wasn't coming. People were talking, laughing, drinking, smoking, making out, and in the pool. I pulled on Caseys sleeve to get his attention.
"I don't think I can do this."
"Tamsin, let loose for once, have fun. You're not gonna be able to do that if you keep following behind me." He walked to the beverages and came back. "Here drink a beer, talk to some people. You'll be alright." He held out the beer for me to take. I stared at it and of course thinking about my father. It's not like I'm afraid to become a drunk like him one day, because I know I won't. At least I know how to control myself. I took the beer from Casey and began drinking it, chugging it actually. I let out a burp and a big sigh after finishing it.
"You're right. I'm done being good all the time. What harms gonna come from me drinking a bit and having some fun." I yelled at Casey over some music and smiled at him. I've decided to have fun.
I went to the table and grabbed another beer and another after that. Casey and I danced and laughed and I felt like I was actually enjoying myself for once, that I could easily do this again.
"Looks like someone's having fun." Rhiannon was back again.
"Yeah, I am, but I would be happier if I wasn't being bothered by you." I seemed to be rolling my eyes quite a bit lately.
"Be nice." Casey put his arm on my shoulder. "You're both my friends and I want to have fun with both of you. So put aside your differences just for tonight and party." He put his other arm around Rhiannon. "And Rhiannon it's her birthday be extra nice, for me." He looked at both of us.
"Fine, here." She handed me on of the cups in her hand. "Take it, it's a birthday drink I guess." Casey held out his cup and tapped both of ours with it. We drank and boy was Casey not lying when he said it was strong. Moments later Lufian finally showed up. I knew I had to be extra careful with what I might say or do after how much I drank. He walked over and grabbed the cup out of Rhiannons hand and finished it . I stared at him trying not to let my smile show. I should be looking away but I guess the tipsiness made me not care. Rhiannon grabbed his arm and brought him to where everyone was dancing and they started to. Lufian clearly doesn't like to dance telling by his face. Creepily I watched them and it made me sad and angry watching her dance with him erotically. I walked away and grabbed another beer and drank it. At least time was going by quicker then I thought it would.
"Hi." I turned to see a guy next to me smiling. "I'm Peter." I didn't say anything. "You wanna dance?" He asked. I couldn't speak for some reason but nodded yes. He took my hand and led me to dance. I stood still and scratched the side of my head because why would I say yes when I can't dance. "Come on." He grabbed my hand again.
"Honestly I can't dance. So maybe you should ask someone else."
"All you have to do is sway side to side." He smiled. "I'll show you." He stepped closer to me, so close I could feel his breath on my nose. My heart started racing and I'm sure if he could see, he would know that I was blushing. He placed his hands on my waist and started moving them side to side. He nose now was touching mine and my heart sped up even more. "See, it's easy." He took one of his hands and put it on my cheek. I guess Casey was right, I must be good looking to some people. He started moving his face down and I knew what was about to happen. He was going to kiss me. I moved back.
"I'm sorry, I've um I've gotta go." I quickly started to walk away. I can't believe that just happened. Ugh I should have just let him. I mean I would love for my first kiss to be Lufian but no way in hell that was gonna happen. I kept pushing through people looking for Casey ready to leave. I'm going to be honest it was hard with the flashing lights and my head kind of spinning. I definitely drank to much. I only just realized I wasn't even walking straight. I started moving faster looking around for him. People bumped into me and I bumped into people. I started walking next to the pool and I felt one of my feet slip. I twisted my left ankle and fell into the water. I sank to the bottom and started swimming my way up. I thought I was almost to the top when I realized I wasn't even moving. I was so drunk and didn't even notice. I kept trying to swim up but struggled. I yelled for help but only ended up swallowing the pool water. I could feel as it filled my throat and I couldn't breathe. No one was coming to help me, no one even knew. Everyone was to busy drinking and partying to realize there was some girl drowning in the pool. I fucked up. This is my fault. I know what's about to happen, I can't blame anyone. I could feel as my body tried to gasp for air but only took in more water. My eyes were open but I saw as it started getting darker and darker until I saw nothing.

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