Actually, I've always wanted to go to his house and have a taste of his mom's delicious swallow foods which was the talk of the town so I thought that would be the perfect opportunity to make my dreams come true.

"Hmm... Hmmm..John told me earlier that his mom wasn't home. Are you sure you'll be safe there with him alone?", A young male employee said, looking as though he's had the intention of spiting me for long.

Who the hell did he think he was? I should have told him that my look and inability to talk too much doesn't depict my level of strength when it comes to dealing with the opposite sex!

"Thanks for your concern buh I'll be alright," I said politely and stepped outside the sliding door, where I came in contact with John himself.

"Hey, what's up?"He smiled at me in an unusual manner.

"I'm good and you", I smiled back.

"Wait for me. I'll be back", He went to deliver a message for his boss and returned to me."How did you get this place, omo get inside?"

"Shut up for!" I hit his right shoulder."Won't you entertain me?"

"Who forced you to come here?"He turned his back on me.

"You can't even say thank you. What kind of human being are you?" I shook my head.

"The type that'll soon be the world's greatest Computer Engineer", He said proudly.

"How's that ever going to happen if you don't go to school?"I made fun of him.

"The woman that sells drinks there is my customer so just collect one from her, and go home. I'll pay for it", He described the shop's location for me.

"Aren't you even going to escort me?"I blocked his path.

"I have lots of work to do, besides you're not my girlfriend", He moved away from me.

Despite knowing John might be pulling a prank on me, I went to get a drink from his customer like he told me to and she gave me even though she was slightly worried he might not be able to pay her his huge debt earlier since his mom was unable to open her 'buka' because she had an accident. As soon as she said that, I understood he must have been trying to work more so he will be able to support his family, and I really felt for him but I was still angry he hid that kind of thing from me! It felt so sad I didn't even have the right to challenge him about it because I couldn't proffer any solution to his problem and we were not even that close.

When John first enrolled in our school, I saw him as a competitor because a senior who got his info before anyone else told me he was more brilliant than I was. Later, I found out she was lying but my good conscience wouldn't let me rub it on either of their faces. Eventually, the entire school became aware of the romantic relationship going on between the two of them but that time, I didn't even think it'll be easy for him to remember her last name though she just graduated last session. Looks like the relationship was purely based on material gains.

On Fridays, I and my female classmates loved singing the hits of our favorite hip hop artists then during the fellowship hour which comes up at noon, we also lead the entire school in singing mind-blowing praise and worship songs. I wasn't used to singing alone so I knew there were lots of students mocking me because my voice won't stop going off key while I was leading the praise and worship session for the first fellowship in our final school year but there was nothing I could do about it.

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