Worries and Missing Niall

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I held my breath. I turned around frighted. I was surprised to see who touched me. It was Zayn. I let my breath fall out of my mouth. I felt releaved.

" Liam, I just can't sleep thinking about this man that's after us." I looked up at him, straining to make out his facial expression. He looked like he just got hit by a truck. His eyes were heavy and his hair was messy. For the first time in a while, I felt pure worry.

I switched on the light and motioned him to sit on the bed with Lacey and me. Lacey had fallen asleep just recently and I wasn't going to risk awakening her again. I turned my back to check on her. This little purring snore was coming out of her nose. I brought my eyes back down to her scars. They were still fresh and dripping drops of blood onto the white bedsheet. I tryed to return the sheet to it's original state but I couldn't. Zayn was sitting there staring at nothing. I could tell his mind was racing.

I got up tiredly, as I was frightened as Zayn was and couldn't sleep, and went into the toilet to check for bandages for Lacey. As I was walking back to my bed, I could hear chaos in the roomnext door,the room where Harry, Louis, and Niall were staying. I pressed my ear against the wall to clarify the words they were saying.

" This is rediculous, why is some random man trying to track us down. Why can't people just leave us alone? I'm sick and tired of all of this, I'm done with it, I'm done with everything. I'm sick of being famous it's not even fun to sing anymore!" Harry shouted.

I heard complete silence from the next room. I heard footsteps, probably Harry's, walk towards the door, and heard the door slam. I could her the footsteps pounding on the floor and running at high speed. I quickly approached the door and opened it and faintly saw the back of Harry's head. I went after him making sure the door was shut and ran after him in the hotel hallway. I took the elevator to the lobby and searched for Harry. I went around the corner to see him at the bar. All the chairs were stacked on the tables and nobody was there. Harry's head was in his arms. I could hear little sniffles echoing in his arms.

"Hey." I said trying to sound calming.

Harry looked up with red eyes. "Oh, hey."

" What's wrong, don't sugar coat anything, what's wrong." I said with firmness in the tone of my voice.

" I don't know."

" Harry."

" Fine, I hate to say it, but, I don't want this fame anymore." I don't want this man killing us, I wish I was unknown still."

I walked over to him. I took a seat and put my arm around his shoulder.

" Harry, I agree. I feel as if, as if, this fame is some sort of punishment. But at the same time, it's a blessing. God will keep us safe during this time." I smiled warmly at him.

" Oh yeah? God will keep us safe, Liam? Then explain to me why Lacey and her parents were in that car accident. Explain to me why this man came after us in the first place. Explain to me why drinking is my only way to escape this world for a while!"

I looked up at him. My mind was truly challenged. Harry was right. Why would any of this happen if God was there for me?

I walked back up to my room. When I got there, I realized that I had forgotten my room key. I was banging on the door for either Zayn or Lacey to answer.

Slowly, Zayn made it to the door and opened it. I walked over to the bed to finally put the bandages on Lacey.


Lacey's POV

I woke up hoping to see light and once again I was disapointed. I felt a strange material on both of my wrists. I brought my wrists up to my face and squinted hoping I could somehow see. I dropped my arms and let out a sigh. As soon as I did that, I heard the covers next to me move. I then heard a yawn.

" Lacey? Are you awake?" I heard the voice of Liam say.

" Yeah."

"Great! Do you want me to get breakfast or something?" I could tell he was faking his happiness. Everyone knew that we are all in danger. We all know that we are scared to death.

" Uhm, no thanks. But if you could help run a bath for me would be wonderful."

" Okay." Liam got up quickly and came to my side of the bed and placed his hands on my shoulders. He picked me up and walked me to the bathroom. He turned the fucet on and turned it to the red shading for hot water. He got a towel and wash cloth and placed it on top of the toilet lid. He placed me into the bath after he helped me undress. Honestly, I felt a little uncomfertable getting undressed in front of him, but I had to. I felt like a little child getting help to take a bath.

When I was finished, Liam dried me off and helped me into a robe.He carrid me back onto the bed.. He fixed my pillow to elevate my head.

" Lacey, I need to tell you something." My heart skipped a beat.

" What is it?" With a hint of worry in my voice.

" The lad and I are returning home for our concerts in England, so you're gonna have to find, a, a plae to, uh, go." Liam finished quickly.

My heart sunk. I suddenly had many questions.

Where am I gonna go? How will I make it without the sweet help of Liam?

" Oh." That was all I could say at the moment,

Liam came into me for a friendly hug. " Hey, we will always be best buddies, right?"

" Uh huh."

Liam's POV

I felt absolutly terrible telling Lacey I had to leave her on her own. I didn't know what else to do. Nothing I could say or do could make her happy now. I need to fix this,yet I don't know how.

I rubbed her back. A small little grin came across her face. I've been hanging around this girl for a little while now and I truly liked her, as a best friend. I am very glad this girl somehow came across my path in life. I know the way I met her was unfortunate, but I'm thakful she is here and I'm helping her heal more and more each day.

I don't want this mysterious man ruining my life, or hers even more. I have been wondering each minute, thinking who this man might be and what he would want from us.

On August 15, Niall went mysteriously missing. The police were searching weeks and weeks for him, no proof or any reason why he went missing was found. His family is trying their best to not give up hope.

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