Day of Fun

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       "OMG Hi!!! Harry, Louis,zayn, and Niall I can't believe this is happening!" I said sounded a little too exited. "Hi L-LACEY is it? sorry about what happened to you and your parents me and the boys feel really bad maybe we could perform for you your own private concert one day would you like that Lacey?" a sweet raspy voice asked me I guessed it belong to Louis. "That would be wonderful this is such a pleasure just being here I'm so lucky but cursed at the same time if you know what I mean." I stated matter-of-factly. "Yeah we do so Lacey how old are you and where do you live?" a Irish accent asked me which had to be Niall's. "Don't creep her out Niall sorry babe you don't have to answer that if you don't feel comfortable to." a voice that sounded really slurred and slow said which belonged to Harry.

   "NO! it's ok you all are probably wondering. I am 17 years old and I live in California." I said with a smirk on my face. I was basically dreaming of their faces all around me in real life! "Well you are very pretty love and we are sooo sorry!" a soft kind of shy voice said I knew for sure that ws Zayn's! All of them spoke to me, Lacey!!! I was to overjoyed! "So.................What does this room look like and what are you guys wearing? Not trying to be creepy or anything like that I just really want to know." I said I sounded soo creepy but I don't care I'm in the same room as One Direction no matter how many times i think: I'm just dreaming i'll never meet them the voices are just a figment of  your imagination! I'll always know it actually happened. "Haha It's ok I would want to know to if I couldn't see." said Liam's sweet voice. So as each of them told me what they were wearing I laughed and just had the best time of my life I joked with Louis about his Pink or as he put it "Salmon" colored skinny jeans. The boys all asked me if i wanted to play some games so we did. It was a little difficult to master them but I did, we played ping pong and I could tell when the ball was coming because I heard it bounce and plus I have fast reflexes.

       After my day of fun with One Direction Liam took me back to the hospital and I had to go back to having all these needles stuck in me again. Liam sat on the end of my hospital bed and we talked for a little about the day. After the doctor told us to finish talking so I could get some sleep I said goodbye to Liam. When I hugged Liam he didn't leave he stood in the room for about a minute or so and did something totally unexpected he kissed me flately plain on the lips! I didn't stop it because I liked it and the rest of the night after Liam left I dreamt of that kiss over and over again.

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