Strange Thoughts Pass Through Head

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The first class had already begun, Chester did not show up he was in the bathroom to wash the blood from his hands and lips. *You will pay me for all this sometime. You don't know who I am and what I am. If I lose control on my body,there will be very big problems. Then Im not just an ordinary wolf but a monster* He said to himself, then looked in the mirror still very angry.Then he broke it with his fist. He came out of the bathroom and went to his classroom 3B. Chester went inside and everyone looked at him strangely. And the professor. "Do you know you're late?" The professor said (Jack, bull) "I apologize for that. May I attend class?" Chester said and lowered his head so that the wound on his lips would not be noticed. Jack sighed and grabbed his head "How many times are you late? And it's always the same story. This is the last time you're late for my class, next time I won't let you attend. Did you understand me?" "Yes, I understand," Chester said and went to his seat, sitting next to a beautiful lioness (Marta). The day passed very slowly and Chester began to get bored, waiting for the last bell to ring to go home. After a few minutes the bell rang, everyone got up and left the classroom. Chester went to his closet to get his jacket and some books, meanwhile he ran into Gilbert. Gilbert turned and approached Chester with a smile on his face. "Hey what's up man? I haven't seen you in a while" "I've been a little busy and I couldn't come to school" Chester said and headed for his closet and Gilbert walked beside him. "Are you busy later?" Gilberd asked. "Depends on what time" "So maybe about 6Pm or 7Pm" "I think I'm free I have no obligations. Why do you ask?" Chester said and looked at him. "Well, I'd like to talk to you about some things" Chester sighed. "Okay. Where can I find you?" "I'll text you. Now I'm staring at class, see you late" Said Gilbert I went to his classroom. *It's like I'm an angel for solving other people's problems. And I can't make ends meet on my own* Said Chester to himself. He reached the closet, took all the things he needed for tomorrow and went outside. Then started walking to the park which was a couple of blocks away from the school. He arrived at his favorite place where he mostly likes to spend his free time under a big tree by a lake. He sat down and leaned against a tree, took a small box of food he had prepared, from his bag. In the box was rice from a variety of vegetables, mostly eating it because it was his favorite dish. When he was done, he packed the box in his bag and looked around to see if anyone was there. When saw that no one was around, he took out box of cigars and lit one. Then looked up at the sky and began to think. * Why do we live at all? Shall we do all this? The only real friends I have are just Ray and James. My father is never home, he is always busy with chores and helping the General. And when he's home he's always drunk. I have to change my lifestyle. All this is meaningless and my life is meaningless. I want to be like before, happy and with a smile on my face. Life is like a book or like a pen. You write as long as you have room or ink, when you're at the end then it's all over * Chester sighed and leaned his head against the tree. He looked at the cigar already extinguished. "Shit I forgot about the cigar" He tossed and took the candy in his mouth. His ear shook from a soft sound. He looked right behind him and saw Ray tried to scare him. "You really have every time to try to scare me and if you know you're not going to make it?" "Ahh you wolves hear everything, And you're very strange" Chester looked him in the face and raised one eyebrow. "I'm kidding, don't look at me like that scare me" Ray said and sat down next to him. "Why did you want to meet me. Is there something bothering you?" Ray was silent for a moment and thought to himself *Should I tell him what happened the other day when those fools took my display. Or to be silent and pretend that nothing happened. I don't want to see him in trouble or hurt anymore* He smiled and looked at him "I just wanted to spend some time with you like we used to when we were kids. They started talking about all sorts of things and memories. After a while Ray was talking, Chester had received a message on the phone. He took out the phone and saw that Gilbert had written to him. Ray paused for a moment and stopped talking, he looked at Chester. "Do you have to go?" "Yes. I'm so sorry Ray" Ray was sad and sighed "No problem, we'll talk another time" He got up and took his bag. "If you're not busy you can come to my house for the weekend, my father is still not home" Chester said and then he got up too and took his bag. Ray smiled "Of course I'm not busy and I have nothing else to do at home, except reading books" "Great then on Friday after school come to me" They gave their hands and each went to his way.

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