Who's Ready For The Show

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I exit my room getting prepared to start a new day, grabbing the broom I sweep the floor cleaning up the trash from last night. The sun shined through the windows, a light glow. I decided to step onto the balcony and watch the ocean waves crash against the shore. Everything was so quiet.

I begin to hum a little melody, "oceans, crashing against the shore." I get up and start to twirl, "waves, always coming back for more."
I go down the stairs and sit on the step. " In some ways they're just like me."  I step out to the sand, "if I was an ocean I'd be the bluest ocean you can see."

I sing my little tune giving myself a quick little laugh, I soon start to hear clapping. "That sounded amazing." That voice, it...."Hey Pearl..."  "Shawn?" "Yeah, long time no see."
"Next time you make an album be sure to invite me, I play a mean acoustic." Shawn laughed, I giggle a long with her.

It's been such a long time since I've seen her last. "Well, come in !" I say granting her permission to come inside. I make tea for the both of us as we sit on the couch and talk. The last time we spoke we had sex and called her Rose, I'm not sure this is something I can just gloss over.

"Hey uhm Shawn about last time, I-" Shawn puts a finger over my mouth, "Hey, hey it's ok Rockstar that was two years ago." She smiled at me, could this really mean we could let go and still be friends? "I just came to see how y'all were holding up, ya know?" I nod my head and take a sip of my tea.

"Good morning Pearl-" Steven comes down from his room in his same outfit he wears greeting me when he sees Shawn. His eyes look like they're almost about to burst of his head. "Oh hey Shawn." He makes an eye at me like he's mentally asking me why the hell is she here?

"Shawn was just visiting us." "Yeah, you've gotten tall man, you used to be like at my thigh." Steven scratched his head, " yeah I was a very small child, ha ha.." Steven laughed nervously. "Well I was just going to go get Connie, Amethyst and I were gonna go watch Saddie and Shep play today, wanna come with?" I smile "ooh sounds like fun, sure. What about you too Shawn? It's been so long since we've last spoken." I ask looking into her eyes, "yea, could be fun." With that Steven leaves the house and drives off leaving just the two of us again.

"Pearl, I came here to ask you something." She took my hand and looked directly at me, "I came here to ask if we could be friends again. I didn't want to get in the way between you and Amethyst back then. That's why I left." She spoke quietly, 'she only left because she thought I wasn't over Rose even though I was' I glance at my ring. "Of course we can be friends again." I hugged her tightly, 'The past is in the past, everything is over and I should treat it as such.'

"Pearl?" I hear quietly in the distance, I look up from taking a sip of my Tea. "Oh, Amethyst! Sit, Shawn just came for a visit." Shawn waved and put her hand out to shake Amethyst's, Amethyst stopped for a second almost frozen in time, I assume it's due to her not seeing Shawn for so long and what happened last. She finally took her hand and shook it. She then sat and grabbed a tea bag eating. She grinded it with her teeth almost angrily. "Uhm, Amethyst....are you-" I was instantly cut off by Steven and Connie's laughter. Steven begins to speak, "Hey we're back! So who's ready for the show?"

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