Chapter 2

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"I have a beer if you want it?" "Uh yeah that would be great." "I know I tried asking you this before but that didn't go so well...So what's your story Dean Winchester." "Yeah right, not much to tell, Sam and me we drive across the country exterminating things." "I'm no expert here but shouldn't you have a van instead of that panty dropper you drive." He smirks at me "Panty dropper? I haven't heard that before, I think of my car as pure american muscle oh and I call her baby." I laughed at him "Another man in love with his car." "I'm not in love with it..." "Oh that's right you probably have never been in love with anything before." "You are sure quick to judge." "Doesn't feel good does it?" I looked at him "Ah ok, should I say I'm sorry again because I will?" "No I just wanted to give you a hard time." "I bet you could give me a real hard time." I turned around "Oh come on someone like you using a crappy line like that." "What? No that wasn't a line." "Sure." "Ok maybe it was, did it work?" "Not even a little bit." We both sat on the couch, "It's cold in here, I'm gonna start the fireplace." "Fireplace that's kinda romantic." I rolled my eyes "Stop." "Ok sorry." We both laughed "So how did you talk Sam into not coming with you?" "Well..." "You didn't tell him." "No and I'm guessing that he hasn't come out of the room yet or he would be calling me." "So what now?" "What do you mean?" "I mean now that we don't hate each other what comes next? I mean doing what you do taking you all over it's not like the 3 of us could hang out all the time." "Yeah I know but you could keep in touch and whenever we are close we can come see you." Just then his phone rang, "Ahh this should be good, hey Sam, no I'm not, I'm on my best behavior no really everything is good now, you wanna ask her yourself? He wants to talk to you." "Hey Sam yeah I'm fine, no he's been good, yeah I'm sure, he came to apologize, ok call me tomorrow ok bye." "I'm gonna leave in about 10 min, I won't!" Dean hung up the phone, "I better hit the road before Sam disowns me." "Yeah, hey I really appreciate you coming all the way here to apologize." "I had to, you deserved one." I got up off the couch and walked him to the door, "Keep in touch ok?" "Yeah I will and so will Sam." "Be careful don't be getting bit by anything with rabies." "If I do I know a good doctor." "How do you know I'm good?" I smiled at him and we looked at each other awkwardly like do we hug or shake hands, "Cya later." "Yeah." He reached out his hand to shake mine but something made me grab him and hug him, he smelled amazing and when we pulled away I touched his hand and my knees buckled. "Bye Dean take care of yourself and Sam." He smiled and nodded, I shut the door and he was gone. "Dean what the hell!?" "What Sam? I was trying to do the right thing." "And you had to go there you couldn't call her!" "After the way I treated her she would have just hung up on me." Sam shook his head. "You were pissed at me so I try and make it right and your pissed at me again?!" "I know you Dean and you had another motive for going there!" "Gimme a little credit Jesus!" Dean walks past Sam and into the kitchen, "Did anything happen?" "Believe me Sammy if it did I would still be there." "So nothing at all?" "We hugged goodbye does that count?" "Don't be an ass Dean! I just want to make sure you didn't do anything stupid!" "No Sam nothing else happened, but I must say I like her she's smart, funny, sarcastic and has a good head." "Yes Dean she's amazing and don't go getting any ideas!" He puts his hands up "Wouldn't dream of it." Dean walks upstairs to go to bed.

I was curious as to why he would drive all this way just to say he was sorry, I mean he didn't even know me and Sam didn't make him do it, maybe he wanted to see where I lived so he could check up on me some more, I don't know whatever the reason I kind of liked having him here. "Morning Bobby." "Morning boys, breakfast if you want." "Yeah thanks." "So I think I got something for you." "Oh yeah? yellow eyes?" "No, that tricky bastard is good at hiding." "We should go to the Road House and see what Ash has." "What about this case?" "Let some other hunters handle it we gotta make this our number one priority." "Yeah I suppose you're right." Sams phone started to ring, he gets up from the table and is talking. "Whats that goofy look about?" "I'm guessing it's his not so college sweat heart." "So what's the deal?" "According to Sam and her for that matter, they are just old friends wanting to get back in touch or something." "Well by look on his face it ain't just that." Dean watched his brother on the phone and realized Bobby was right, "After talking to her last night I don't think she wants anything more." "Oh yeah? Is she playing with him?" "No nothing like that she's actually very smart and funny and nice, she's a doctor for christ sakes." Bobby just stared at Dean "What?" "You like her!" "What?! No!" "Boy I've been around you long enough to know!" "I hardly know her Bobby." "Yeah well you better nip that in the bud!" Sam hangs up and comes back over, Dean and Bobby stop talking, "We heading to the Road House?" "Uh yeah let's go." "Call me if you have any news." "Sure thing Bobby." They walked outside and put their stuff in the car, "So what was the phone call about?" Sam gives his brother a funny look, "It was personal." "It was personal nah nah." Sam rolls his eyes. Sam is checking his laptop while Dean drives, Deans phone goes off and it's a text, "Thanks again for coming all this way to apologize in person." Dean smiles, "What's that about?" "It's personal." Dean smirks at Sam, Dean texts back "Of course it was the least I could do for being a douche." "I wouldnt say that, jerk yes." He smiles again. "Who's texting you Dean!" "You have your personal stuff and so do I!" "It better not be Nikki!" "And if it is!" "She has no reason to text you Dean!" "Hey we are friends now!" "Yeah I bet! So let me get this straight 2 days ago you thought she was some crazy person out to get me and now you're friends? Tell me Dean how does that work?" "I realized I wasn't being very fair to her and putting her in the category with everyone else we've come across and it wasn't right." "Mmmmhmm." "Fine don't believe me!" "Just drive I don't want to talk about her any more."

Something OldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora