Chapter 15 (Tear jerker)

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Hey thank you guys for reading this ridiculously long labor of love. It means the world to me you guys are reading this!!! Thank you again!!

We swam back to the waters edge he got out and handed me my top. He put my towel around me. "You ok?" "Yeah, just a little creeped out." "Hey you told the guy your name so he probably thinks you are besties." He says with a smirk, "I was trying to be nice." "Yeah well." I rolled my eyes, "I'm changing then we are going for a hike." "I'm not much of a hiker." "Fine call it a nature walk if you want." I went in the tent to put my shorts and boots on. "Now that's a hiking outfit!" "Shut up!" "I mean what do you call those because they're too short to be shorts." "What? No they are not that short!" "Bend over and pick up that rock." "I will not!" "Why because you don't want to flash your..." "Don't you dare say that! You are trying to waste time! So put your clothes on and suck it up!" He goes to the tent and gets dressed. "Dean." "Hold your horse..." He came out to see Ethan with a gun to my head and his arm around my neck, "Take it easy buddy." "Oh after I shoot you I won't be taking anything easy on her." He turns his head and smells my hair. "Look whatever you want, just don't hurt her." "I won't. Not yet anyway." "You don't want to do this." He cocks the gun back, "Don't tell me what I want!!!!" "Ok ok I'm sorry, put the gun down." Dean takes his wallet out, "I have about 300 bucks you can have it, my keys, my phone..." He laughs, "Don't you get it? I don't want your money I want your girl!" Dean starts to walk towards us, "Don't come any closer!!" "Please don't shoot him!" He turns his head to me and licks my face, "If he's gone we can leave together." "I'll go, I'll go but only if you don't hurt him." He looks back at Dean, with the gun pointed at him, "Go." Dean just stands there, "Go before I change my mind!!!" I looked at Dean and nodded, he clenches his jaw. "I won't give you another chance!!!" "Please Dean go." Dean walks slowly around and Ethan never took the gun off him. He followed Dean with the gun until Dean was out of sight. "Now that we are alone..." "Please don't hurt me." I thought if i played the innocent girl he would let his guard down. "I won't hurt you." He starts to kiss down my neck, he lowers the gun, I stepped on his foot and elbowed him, I turned and punched him, he fell to the ground and so did his gun, I lunge for the gun but he got to it first, "Don't move!!!" I put my hands up, "Get up!!!" I get up to my feet, he laughs and spits blood out. "Who would of thought you were a fighter?!" "I was playing nice so you wouldn't shoot him." "Oh yeah? So what if I shoot you now?" "Do it!" I saw Dean behind him, he ducked down behind the Impala, he quietly tried to get the truck open. "Don't think I won't!" A branch cracked so he whips his head around, "Hey, Ethan." He looks at me, "Don't say my name!" "Ethan, why are you doing this?" "I said don't say my name?!" "I mean are you so desperate Ethan you have to force a girl by gun to be with you Ethan." He fires the gun the bullet just misses my head, "Next time I won't miss. Take your shirt off." "What?" "You heard me. Take your shirt off!" I started to take my tank top off, "Slower." "Psssst." Ethan slowly turns around, and sees Dean, "You must not be very smart." "Let's see who's a better shot, what do ya say?" Dean smirks at him, "Or I can just shoot her in the head!" "You'll be on the ground before you even get a squeeze on that trigger." "You willing to risk her life on that?" "You bet your sweet ass." Ethan whips around and I hear a shot, all I can see is him falling to the ground. I run to Dean, "You ok baby? Did he hurt you?" "No I'm fine." He goes for his gun again, "You sure you wanna do that? See I thought I would be nice and shoot you in the leg but you pick that gun up I'll put a hole through your head."

He got up and stumbled away, "You better get to the hospital so you don't get an infection." He gave me a dirty look. I turn towards Dean, "Thank you." "For what? Did you think I wouldn't save you." "No, I knew you would but the way he was looking at me made my skin crawl." "Hey it's over now, you are safe." "Dean." "Yeah?" "I'm ready to go back to fighting monsters, humans scare me." He laughed. We packed up our stuff and headed back to the bunker. "Sorry this got cut short." "It's ok." "Nic." He exhales, "Yeah?" "This mark it uh scares me. I don't know what I'm gonna become or what I'm gonna have to do. I just want you to know that no matter what I turn into I will always love you." I've never heard that kind of tremble in his voice, it terrified me. "Whatever it is we will face it together, I promise you I will never give up on you." He strokes my hair, "It's gonna get tough Nic." "I've been through tough before. Does it go away?" "I don't know, Cain still had it." "So you can't get rid of this mark ever?" "God I hope so." We decided to drive straight back to the bunker, "You wanna talk about you taking on Abaddon?" "There's not much to say, I mean she came to the church and threw Sam outside so my hunter brain kicked in high gear and went after the bitch." "You know she could have killed you right?" "I didn't care I guess I just wanted to kick her ass." He smirked, "What?" "Nothing it's just you've changed a lot from when I first met you." "Oh yeah? You too buddy!" "Seriously Nic I don't know where I'd be or what I'd do without you." I kissed his hand. We got back to the bunker and I could tell things were different between Sam and Dean, Sam was real short with Dean. The next couple weeks were kind of crazy, Kevin was haunting the bunker, we found his mom and she took him home with her. Crowley wasn't finding the blade quick enough so the guys decided to help. I have been staying back a lot after the whole Metatron coming to see me thing Dean wants me to be safe in the bunker. "Dean." "Yeah?" "Please be careful ok, you don't know what's gonna happen with this thing." He has a look of worry in his eyes, "I will. I love you." He kissed me and they left.

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