Part 8

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They said that they were there,

That they were right by her side,

Yet she was constantly crying,

And dying inside,

There was really no one there,

That was by her side,

She hoped and she cried,

When's it finally her time?,

Wishing to be free,

Free from her reality,

She closes her eyes,

Ready to fly,

Lets the darkness dawn in,

As she counts her sins,

She opens her arms,

Steps to the edge,

One step more,

It'll finally end,

Her pain and torment,

Will be no more,

She takes her last step,

And falls on to the river floor,

Just a few more seconds,

And her pain will go too,

That day was so easy,

For her to get through,

The perfect girl (original poem)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ