Ch. 7 The Grammys

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I woke up the middle of the night, jerked awake by a dream about the events that had transpired the other day with Michael and Jermaine. I looked at Michael laying next to me, fast asleep, which was unusual for the both of us. I smiled because I couldn't help but think how sexy he looked and I couldn't believe he was really laying next to me. I felt the sudden urge to know what Jermaine said to Michael. I got up, trying to not make to much noise. I picked up the tape from my bedside table and went over to the stereo. I put in the tape and turned the volume down. As I listened to the song, I was shocked. Jermaine was saying awful things about Michael and how his skin was getting lighter and having his nose done. I looked back at the bed only to see Michael standing behind me. I jumped. "Michael! What the fuck! I thought you were asleep you scared me. "Nope. I thought you were asleep. What are you doing Bethy it's 4 in the morning." I got up and faced him. He looked exhausted. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck. He bent his head down and rested his forehead on mine. I felt his hands wrap around my waist and my heart beat faster. This man did things to me. He let out a sigh. "Michael he's wrong. Please tell me you don't believe it. Please." "Beth let's just go to bed." He tried to pull me away from the stereo but I refused to move. "No Michael. Not without talking about this." "I don't want to talk about it Beth." "No listen to me Michael. You do not deserve to be talked about like this. He is wrong. Michael you  are so special to me and I don't care what you do because you will always be perfect to me, do you hear me? I love you and that's that." He smiled wearily. "I love you more Bethy. I just.... you know how it is. I can't just up and change how I view myself. Let's just leave it at that. I'll always remember you love me Beth and I'll never forget that. Come back to bed now, please?" He kissed me and I let him pull me back to bed.  I giggled as he climbed on top of me, kissing me down my body. I tangled my fingers in his curls letting out a moan as he took my panties off. He was always gentle but his eyes took on a different light when we made love. Their normally playful and mischievous glint was replaced with passion and desire, something much stronger and deeper. He grunted and I yelped with desire. "Are you ok baby?" He asked between kisses. "Yeah I'm fine keep going." I moaned. Afterwards he fell asleep and I rested my head on his bare chest, tracing circles until I couldn't hold my eyes open any longer.

"Bethy are you ready to go yet? God you've been in there forever" I laughed. "I'm coming I'm coming. You're so impatient, goodness." "We're gonna be late come on." I smiled at myself in the mirror, finally satisfied enough to step out and show Michael. I opened the bathroom door and walked out, feeling conscious of my appearance as Michael's eyes grew wide. He let out a whistle. "Wow. You look gorgeous." He came over to me and smiled down at me, laughing as my cheeks got red. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me in for a kiss. "Come on lets go." As we arrived at the Grammys and stepped out, the flashing cameras caught me by surprise. I could hardly see or hear anything over the many voices talking over each other and the clicking of camera shutters. Michael vent down and said "Stick close baby." I nodded as we walked up and into the building being suffocated by the many reporters closing in on all sides. I couldn't hear what they were asking but Michael remained quiet so I decided not to answer anything either. We got to our seats and I gasped at the massive amounts of celebrities in the room. Michael laughed at my shocked expression as Lionel Richie walked by. He casually placed his hand on my inner thigh, and I looked over to him with a grin. Half way through he whispered "I've gotta go back and get ready. Wanna come?" I nodded and he took my hand and led to to the back stage entrance. He got dressed, bent down and gave me a kiss for good luck before walking out on stage to preform. I watched, captivated by his dance moves and smooth vocals. He came back with a grin on his face. "Baby if that doesn't win a Grammy I don't know what will," I said as he laughed and kissed me. "Come on let's get back out there they are gonna announce who won." We went and sat back down. The air was tense and we waited for the winner to be announced. "And the winner is......." I gripped Michael's hand tightly. "U2!" The room filled with applause as the band took the stage. Michael's face fell. My eyes grew wide with anger as I tried to maintain my composure before I embarrassed Michael by doing something stupid. I looked at him helplessly as he sat in silence with a blank expression. "Let's go Michael let's just get out of here." We walked back to the car without saying a word to anyone. The door closed behind Michael and he dropped his head into his hands. "Michael..." I wrapped my arms around him. "I am so proud of you. So proud. And I don't care what that album won it's a damn good album. It's your best yet. And it deserves, YOU deserve so much better." He looked up miserably. "But I didn't win Beth. It wasn't good enough." "Shhh. It was. It was better than best." He rested his head in my shoulder and let out a sigh. "It's... I'm ok. The next one will be better. I'll make the next one better."  "I love you Michael. No matter what. And I am so proud of you, no matter what." He smiled up at me. "Thank you Beth. I love you more."

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