Episode 1: Do you want to dance?

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Note: This story was written because I wrote a song about the rain, and in my mind, this story was formed. This is not going to be a long story, but I hope you would stay until the end. The song is found in the last chapters.

Chapter 1

What the heck was I doing? I swear I stood there watching the girl for a few minutes and before I knew it, the rain started to get stronger again.

The girl didn't seem to have seen me and she just kept on dancing.

I cursed at the sky and hastily ran until I finally reached my apartment building.

Because I was soaked, all of the water on my uniform and body came dripping down, leaving small puddles on the floor and stairs leading up to my unit. I hope no one slips on that.

It took some time but I found my keys under all the stuff in my bag. I opened the door and I was met by the umbrella rack on the other side. Right there in the middle, was the transparent umbrella I regretfully forgot to bring to school today.

I plopped my bag by the door which I promptly closed. I opened the lights and hurried over to the bathroom where I tossed my wet clothes in a basket and stepped into the shower.

The warm, rushing water coming from the shower head that drips into my skin calmed me down. With my body bare, I could see the "fruits" of a little fiasco I had earlier this day.

I pushed thoughts of what happened at school at the back of my mind. Hey, after flunking a few tests and getting into a pointless fist fight, you would just rather forget it as soon as you can.

After I finished showering, I wrapped a towel on my waist and went to my room to change into an old over sized black shirt and sweat shorts. I retrieved my bag and tried to salvage what I can from my textbooks and fortunately, they were still intact. They were just very very wet. I managed to peel of a few chunks because I wasn't really gentle when it comes to holding things. I opened them and placed them in front of a fan to let them dry. I also did the same with my shoes, which I noticed smelled really bad. I left them there overnight as I plopped down into my bed, straight into dream land.

"Care to tell me why you ditched us after class yesterday when we were supposed to help you study for the retake of the test you completely flunked?" I looked up from my meal to see a mildly annoyed Andrea with her arms crossed glaring at me. I was in the less crowded corner of the cafeteria with my friend James (I said I didn't have a lot friends, I didn't say I had none) when Andrea marched over fresh from her science class to disturb me from my meal.

"Oh crap. I'm sorry I forgot." I replied.

"As always, you're a lousy liar. I know what happened, dummy. You had witnesses. Care to tell us the details?"

"Yeah man. You know you could come to us when you need to." James butted in.

I sighed. "Fine."

Andrea and James were old friends from kindergarten. Do you have friends you have known so long that you don't remember anymore how you met and how you guys clicked? For me, those were Andrea and James.

Ever since High school, they found new circle of friends and got into their own cliques as they call it. They quickly gained a lot of friends because who wouldn't want to be friends with people as attractive as them? Popularity didn't get to their heads though, and I'm actually thankful for that. If it did, they probably won't talk to me anymore.

"Long story short, I locked eyes with some jerk and he thought I was trying to start a fight or something so he challenged me to a fist fight after school. I tried to explain and all but he didn't care. I don't even remember his name."

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