End of Me

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"You know me all too well and I can't suppress the memories. You're gone and I can tell that I've lost more than you'll ever see."

Blake decided to help me pack up my things. My mom was out taking care of business and the twins were out with Dalton.

"So you think you're still going to talk to Johnnie after you beat the crap out of his girlfriend?"

As much as I wanted to clear things up with him, he could fuck off for all I care. Johnnie betrayed me on a whole new level. Sure he found out the truth on his own, but still. If he knew how hard it was for me to tell him, why would he tell Clover out of all people? I don't need him in my life anymore. He's just like her, he's a lost cause now. I don't even plan to tell him I'm leaving.

"No. We're not even friends anymore. I would be better off with one less person to say goodbye to I guess." I continue packing.

"I don't blame you Skye. I mean what he did was pretty low."

"Yeah it was. I'm just glad I only have a few days until I'm out of this place. The only good thing about this move was meeting you, Seth, and Nathan."

"Aww Skye, don't make me cry." Blake has honestly been the greatest friend I could ask for. I would miss her the most.

"Mind doing me one last favor?" I ask.

"Anything for you, what's up?"

"I have to present this song for class as a final grade. I kind of wrote it after my break up and I was thinking of presenting it. I don't know if it's any good, mind checking it?"

I hand her my notebook and continue packing while she reads. I go over to my balcony and take down the birdhouse Johnnie made me. I hold it, not sure what to do with it. I really wished things didn't end up the way they did.

"Woah Skye. This is really good! Really deep."

"You think so?"

"Of course! Going acoustic, I assume."

"Yeah. Plus I really want him to hear it. He's in my class and all, so if I can't talk to him then at least he could know how I feel through my song."

"Well my friend, the message will be pretty clear with this piece. I'm sure of it."


It's my last day of school. I came to school early with my mom to sign me out. Tomorrow I'll be on a one way flight to Baltimore. After I finished the paperwork, I decided to visit a certain someone's locker. I get to his locker and open it, remembering his combination from the very few times I used it. I open it and put something on the top shelf. It's the bracelet he gave me. The bracelet has so much meaning to it, a reminder of a happier time. So many memories. The last thing I need is a reminder of this place. I close his locker and start heading to homeroom.

"You okay Skye?"

I turn around and see Seth.

"Eventually." As much as I hate Johnnie, a part of me still misses what we had. He's helped me so, so much and it sucks that everything we had is gone.

He pulls me into a comforting hug and holds me.

"It'll get better Skye. Just give it some time. I know it sucks right now, but it's his lost at the end of the day. Don't think this was all your fault."

"Thanks Seth. I'm really going to miss you."

He lets go of me. "Likewise buddy."

"I just wish things didn't have to be the way they are now."

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