Come Together

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"We're gonna come together, now. We are gonna run together. We're gonna turn it upside down."

The entire flight I ended up having small talk with this Johnnie kid. Turns out he lives in San Jose and was in Maryland on vacation and working on vids. Apparently he's really well known on Youtube. We mostly talked about random stuff like the kind of music we're into up until we landed. I went to meet up with my family and looked back to see if Johnnie was still there. He was gone. Sad, he seemed really cool.

Fast forward a bit: A good majority of our furniture made it to our new house, but we still had a cluttered mess. I picked out my room, which had an awesome view and a balcony. Bonus. I would be excited, except for the fact that apparently California starts school sooner. I start in two days. Way to pile so much stress on a 16-year old.

*2 Days Later*

My parents decided to take Auggie and Alexa to their first day of kindergarten, which left me to fend for myself and make my way to the high school. I managed to make it in one piece and on time thanks to Ol' Penny (my board). I picked up my schedule from the office. The counselor insisted on taking me to my homeroom. Why refuse? I wasn't beat on getting lost anyways. The bell rang and we finally made it to the classroom, which happened to be on the outskirts of campus. I follow the counselor inside and immediatly start getting deathstares from everyone. Maybe it ws a bad idea to look extra rockish today. Ripped skinnys, New Years Day shirt, black Vans, black eyeliner, pentagram chocker, my many string bracelets, and my long black hair straightened. Too much? I was standing awkwardly in front of the class.

"Class, we have a new student joining the Aldridge High family." the counselor starts the common intro.

"This is Skye Velez and I hope you all make her feel welcome. She just moved here from Baltimore."

The silence is brutal.

"Welcome Skye. I'm your homeroom teacher, Mr. Davin. Welcome to grade 10 in Aldridge." he smiles the biggest smile I've ever seen.

"You can have a seat in the empty spot in the back. Hope you don't mind."

I didn't mind at all. The back is where I usually sat. I make my way to the back, avoiding eye contact at all costs. I finally make it to my seat and sit.

"So we meet again."

I look up to see the same blue eyes from the other day. It's that Johnnie kid. What are the odds.

"Oh hey." I finally say. Still shocked of the coincidence

"So Skye is it? I never got your name on the flight over here."

Yeah cause I'm extra rude and socially awkward I forget to do that sometimes.

"Sorry, I tend to forget that part in random convos. Especially in a moving aircraft."

He smiles at my comment.

"No worries. And welcome. To hell."

"Just let go, it's a free fall. We're almost home, it's a free fall.


A/N If you're reading this, you're awesome <3

If you've been reading, thank you. What do you think? Let me know and if I should change something here or there. I'm still writing out future chapters as I go. Good stuff is coming next chapter and I will probs add Chpt 3 sometime this week. KBYE <3

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