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"A hand full of moments I wished I could change, but I was carried away."

I wake up still feeling a bit nauseous from the news last night. Johnnie and Clover? Clover in honors clasees? What!? I get ready and decide to take Penny to school. Everyone's already gone, I walk outside and start to skate my way to school. I skate down the street and see Johnnie in the distance, waiting at our spot. Seeing him I'm not upset anymore, but mad. I pick up the pace and start skating faster. Skating right pass our spot, passing him.

"Skye! Wait up!" Johnnie calls out.

I ignore him and skate faster. I can hear him running right behind me.

"Skye! What the hell!" he calls out. "Watch out!!"

I look up and miss the curb. I fall, scraping my knees on the asphalt. Great day to wear knee ripped jeans.

"Holy shit, are you okay?" Johnnie asks trying to help me up.

"I GOT IT!" I say getting myself up. He moves aside.

"Skye, what the hell!? Why did you ignore my texts?" he asks

"I forgot to turn my phone on after dinner." I lie.

"Okay, so why did you skate right pass me and ignored me!?" Now he's mad.

"Cause." Is all I say.

"CAUSE!? Really Skye!? That's your excuse? What is with you? Don't you remember what I told you? That you can..."

"TRUST ME!" I cut him off. Now I'm mad. "Why didn't you tell me!? That you and Clover had a thing!?"

I feel tears in my eyes. He's quiet for a minute. He looks shocked.

" did you find out?"

"Clover's mom works with my parents now. They came over for dinner and she told me everything! Hey, even her mom thinks you're a nice guy! How fucking nice!!" A few tears start escaping my eyes. "I thought you could trust me with anything. That I could trust you, but how am I supposed to trust you if you keep this from me!"

"That's not fair." He finally speaks up. "You have your own secrets that you haven't told me! How do you expect me to feel!"

He's right. I have plenty of my own secrets that I haven't told him yet. Because I'm too afraid to tell him. As much I want to...I can't. I sit on the curb and wipe the tears from my eyes. Why am I even crying? He sits down next to me.

"Hey, don't cry." He says softly, wiping a tear off my cheek.

"I'm not crying for you!" I say still upset. "I did just bust my knees."

I put my hand on my knee and look at it. Crap. I'm bleeding a lot. This is not good.

"Holy crap, Skye." Johnnie says, noticing the blood. He gets up and grabs Penny off the ground. "C'mon." He offers me his hand. "My house is closer, we have to get that cleaned up."

"What about school?"

"Really Skye!? We already missed homeroom. Plus getting your knee cleaned up is more important. Now give me your hand and let's go!" He says, serious now.

I give in and take his hand. I can't believe I'm cutting school with the person I rather not be with at the moment.

We get to his house and he leads me to his bathroom where he helps clean up my knee. Luckily, I only scraped up one knee.

I start to feel dizzy. "Johnnie, I need water." I say weakly.

"Give me a sec." He leaves the wet rag on my knee and rushes to his kitchen.

Feels Like Forever (A Johnnie Guilbert Fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora