The Worst Of Them

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"Cut down by the things you say, it's the beating of a broken drum"

It's been a month since Johnnie and I had out heart to heart moment. Yes, we are still friends, but we've never been better. He's been great and we've been hanging out a lot recently. Yeah, Clover is still a bitch and her friends are no better, but I pay no mind to them. Everything has been going great for me so far. Blake even signed me up to an upcoming art event.

*Hurry up Skye! We can't be late again!*

Johnnie texts me, I overslept again. I've been busy spending staying up at night working on my painting for the event. I quickly get ready in my usual punkish clothes and rush downstairs.

"Later guys. I'm out!" I say grabbing a poptart on the way out.

"Hold on, Skye. I need to tell you something." My dad says stopping me in my tracks.

"I can't be late. Can't it wait?" I say walking in place, trying to leave already.

"It's important." He says assertively.

Crap. Does he know about Johnnie? I haven't told them that I've been hanging out with a guy. For the simple fact that I have an overprotective dad, a mom who would want to know the deets about him, and siblings who would constantly bug me about him.

"Afterschool I want you home as soon as possible. We have really important guests coming over for dinner and I need you to help prepare for tonight."

Dodged a bullet there. Weird, we don't usually have dinner together during the week. Must really be important.

"Got it. Can I go now?"

He kisses the top of my head. "Have a good day sweetie."

With that, I'm out the door and run to meet Johnnie.

It's 2nd period, my creative writing class. We've been working on something to present at the showcase that's held before winter break. I love writing and all, but the fact that I have to present this in front of the whole school for a semester grade freaks me out.

"What you got done so far?" A boy named Nathan asks. He's in grade 11 and is really good at writing poems. They're mostly dedicated to his boyfriend.

"Nothing yet. It's weird cause I'm usually good at this. I guess it's the fact that we have to present in front of the school." I sigh

He pats my back. "Just don't think about the crowd and what they're going to think. Just write what you feel. Or who's the first person you think about when you wake up. Write about that person."

I think to myself. One person does come to mind.

"You'll do fine. You have plenty of time to work on it." Nathan says before going back to writing.

I open my notebook and start to write.

It's the end of the day and I'm at my locker gathering my stuff.

"So where we heading to today?" Johnnie is leaning against the locker next to mine.

"Well I have to get home ASAP. My parents are having people over for dinner."

"GASP! Your parents are actually going to be home? I'm shocked!"

I laugh. Johnnie knows the deal about my parents. They're rarely home on weekdays. Which is why the news is quite shocking.

"I'm saying! They say it's important." I close my locker and face him. "Sorry, guess we won't be having an adventure today."

He smiles and puts his hand on my shoulder.

Feels Like Forever (A Johnnie Guilbert Fic)Where stories live. Discover now