Chapter 42: An Unexpected Visitor

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Breakfast was eaten at the inn again. After a long, threatening stare-off with a tired, grumpy Cancer, the innkeeper agreed to give them a small discount on breakfast for their 'bulk purchase'.

Virgo found herself the last one to walk down the stairs. At the 'dining table' laid out downstairs, the others were lounging around the table and chattering away; or in some cases, bickering.

Pisces waved her over with a smile. "Good morning, Virgo! You're late up today."

"I was just using the bathroom facilities before we leave the inn." Virgo replied cautiously. Pisces patted the chair next to her and Virgo obediently sat.

"Yeah, I'm going to miss having a proper shower and bathroom when we're back out and about." Pisces reached across the table. Taurus noticed her and pushed over the half-open jar of jam next to him, inclining his head just slightly at her whispered "thanks". The brunette bard turned back to Virgo, passing over the jar. "But it's all part of the job!"

"Yeah..." Virgo trailed off, absent-mindedly rubbing the reddened skin across the back of her hand. "I am going to miss having such an efficient way of getting water, too."

"Mhm!" Pisces plucked the missing jam knife from where it had been sitting on the table behind the salt and pepper and passed it to Virgo as well. "Here ya go! The bread's a bit cold, but the soup's still piping hot. Be careful!"

"Ah... thank you." Virgo took the offered utensil and jam. The saccharine scent of some kind of fruit hung light in the air; or was it berry?

"Sorry for being such a pain to find yesterday." Pisces suddenly said while stirring her spoon through her bowl of soup.

"I... wasn't part of the group that went to go find you."

"But still!" Pisces smiled sheepishly. "I must've caused a lot of trouble for you guys... but to be honest, I don't even really remember what happened after that. I was just so tired, I think I must've passed out immediately. My feet are still sore today."

"You should... take care of yourself." Virgo murmured. "It's not good to overwork your body."

"Overwork?" Pisces giggled. "Oh my, Virgo – coming from you?" She quickly stifled her laughter. "I don't mean to offend, but us magic-users – even if we might not be as active as the others when it comes to swinging a sword or running around, we still work our mind and spirit down to the core to channel magic energy – and not everyone can do it, you know! And look at you! You still somehow find the energy to constantly be thinking about our next move, our tactics... that's very impressive!"

"That's..." Virgo carded her fingers through the strands of hair that had fallen over her shoulders, feeling her cheeks grow warm. However, there was still a strange ache that followed Pisces' words; Virgo wondered why. She pushed those thoughts down and took a moment to recollect her words. "That's very kind of you to say, Pisces... but you're both a skilled mage and you're... capable of working your body too. I wish I was able to do that, too..."

"Aw, Virgo! You're too sweet!" Pisces smiled, a faint pleased flush over her cheeks even as she spoke. "But really, you calling me a skilled mage? It's obvious you're talented, Virgo; especially since you somehow managed to cast magic even after losing your memories. That'd take anyone else years to do, I'd think! Though I wouldn't be sure, to say..."

Virgo's knife froze in place from where it had been spreading jam over her toast.

Her head pounded for a moment and it sounded as if wind was roaring in her head, even though the room around her was sheltered and warm –

"...I've never met anyone else like that, you know, but from the few mages I've met, I'd say you're extraordinary! And I've never seen a tome like yours, too; it must be really special!"

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