Chapter 10: The Ashen Aftermath

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Author's Note: Thank you all for 1K (1046 at the moment) reads! I hope you all are enjoying the story and that it isn't too repetitive and boring (and if you're a Leo, Virgo or Capricorn, or looking forward to their appearances... I'm so sorry for the wait! But we're getting one of them quite soon! I hope to make their introductions worthy of the wait!)

(Also, just a note; I post Zodiac stuff on my Spam Book sometimes, including but not limited to Incorrect Quotes for the Daybreak's Crest Zodiacs, Zodiac Chart Alignment Memes for the Zodiacs of my three books, sometimes holiday special(s)... and never-before seen drafts of chapters for my Zodiac books!) Anyway, advertisement aside... enjoy the celebration chapter for 1K (actually, no – I had this chapter written ages ago and I was too impatient to wait for Saturday, so... it's an excuse to post another chapter)!

EDIT: I just wanted to thank Ledgisimo for this absolutely amazing artwork of Taurus from Chapter 9. It's everything I could've dreamed of and it just looks so good – I love it so much and it's everything I've visualised for that chapter. The way they drew Taurus and his expression and the pose... aaa I just love it so much! Make sure to check out more of their artwork on their Tumblr at artillery_tortoise – and aaa I just wanted to thank them for the fanart!! It's amazing and I love it – please go check out their story on Wattpad and their art!!

 aaa I just love it so much! Make sure to check out more of their artwork on their Tumblr at artillery_tortoise – and aaa I just wanted to thank them for the fanart!! It's amazing and I love it – please go check out their story on Wattpad and thei...

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The group of nine trekked over ash-covered ground, past scorched buildings and – even though they tried to ignore it – corpses that were either covered in burns or gashes from jagged claws. Now that the fire had died out, the black ink scrawled across every visible surface seemed even more striking against the streaks of soot.

"'Bring down the Chancellor'... 'The government is corrupt'... 'Free Gaebia' – I guess the people must really dislike this government, huh?" Libra mumbled nervously as he read off the sentences that looked like they had been written by an untrained hand – or several. "I can't imagine Auraidor being like this..."

"Auraidor has a stable royal family. At least, it looks like it." Aquarius muttered. "So no wonder."

"The man from before said that it was a 'punishment from the Tellus Republic of Gaebia'... I'm guess that's the government here." Gemini murmured. "Do you think that has to do with the monsters here?" Noticing Aquarius's slightly skeptical look, Gemini shrugged. "You know, just a thought."

"We're here." Scorpio suddenly stated.

Taurus was already working on overturning a large piece of concrete, his face smeared with dust. Libra and Gemini quickly rushed to help.

"T-thank you...!" Someone sobbed as Gemini helped to haul them out of the rubble.

"Injuries." Cancer blandly stated as she headed over. She gave the soot-smeared woman a glance through narrowed amber eyes. "You're fine. Go back to the main square or whatever that's called."

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