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One week later

Ivory was in her office sorting through some files on her Apple laptop when someone knocked her door.

"Come in!" She yelled not looking up from her laptop.

The door opened and her sister in law, Alison St Laurent stepped inside, holding some files in her hand.

Ivory looked up and smiled. "Alison! How are you?" She asked.

Alison sat down facing Ivory and replied. "I'm good Ivory... Although judging from the beautiful glow on your face, I can see you're doing really good."

Ivory laughed. "Glow?"

Alison nodded. "Yes, I don't know.. Your face seems warmer and brighter, and you look happier."

Ivory shrugged. "I don't know, maybe the weather or something."

"Or a man?" Alison winked.

Ivory chuckled. "There's no man in my life Alison.. How is Junior and Aurora?" Ivory asked.

"They're fine.. Well I came here to drop the Williams file, it's completed."

"Really? Thanks a lot Alison.. You just made my work less stressful."

"You're welcome, so how was lunch with him?" Alison asked.

"With who?" Ivory asked looking confused.

"Ethan Williams."

"Oh! It was cool actually, he signed the deal as you know and he talked about renovations and other stuffs." Ivory replied.

"Okay, I have to get back to my office.. Have a nice day." Alison said standing up from the chair.

Ivory smiled. "You too Alison." She said and watched Alison leave her office.

Ivory checked the time and opened her text messages and noticed that Ashley has not replied any of her texts, he must be really busy training, Ivory thought. She decided to text him that she will come to his place later today.

Dinner at your place @ 8pm... I'm buying!😉

She sent the text, dropped her phone on the table, and focused her attention back on her laptop. She had to finish her work quickly if she wanted to eat dinner with Ashley.

💫  💫

Ashley sat on the lounge in his pool scrolling through his phone with a big scowl on his face.

"Dude! You've been staring at your phone for like ten minutes now!" Nate said playing ball with Hayden in the pool.

"More like frowning." Hayden added looking at Ashley.

Ashley was busy staring at the pictures of Ivory and one guy eating and laughing in a restaurant, normally he doesn't indulge in gossip sites but it came up on his Instagram feed and he was shocked and angry at the same time.

The gossip site had posted that the two looked cozy and shared a few laughs in the restaurant and also added that it seems the pair were in a relationship as the guy was seen in Ivory's family company twice this week.

Ivory had told him this morning that she had a very busy day ahead, so they couldn't see until probably in the night and yet she had time to eat lunch with another guy.

She sent him two text messages which he ignored, he was very annoyed, anytime he suggested they go out to eat in public, she's quick to decline but obviously she has no problem with eating lunch with other guys.

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