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"So I'll start.. Never have I ever gotten married." Hayden said smirking at Nate and Georgia.

"Fuck you Hayden." Nate said and he and Georgia drank the wine.

"My turn... Never have I ever been slapped by a girl." Ashley said looking at them.

They had abandoned the dining room for the living room and were seated on the sofa. Georgia on Nate's lap, Hayden was on the floor, Ashley and Ivory sat across each other, all of them holding a glass of wine.

Hayden, Georgia and Ivory sipped their wine and Ashley looked at them in amusement. "Care to share?" He asked curiously.

Hayden laughed. "Chanel slapped me last week man.. We went out for dinner and the waitress slipped me her number, she wasn't subtle.. I can still feel my cheeks tinging bro."

They all laughed loudly.

"Sorry mate." Ashley told him.

"It was one girl in culinary school, she stole my recipe and had the guts to lie to everyone that she's the original owner of the recipe and i was the one that stole it from her.. I just lost it and slapped her." Georgia explained.

"Damn!" Hayden laughed.

"Ivory?" Ashley asked her.

"It was in high school.. Got into a fight with my sister." She replied quietly and Ashley nodded.

"My turn." Georgia said her voice loud. "Never have I ever been arrested."

Nate smiled and downed his wine, Ashley did the same.

"You two?? Really.. You have to tell us!" Hayden yelled curious about why they got arrested.

Nate shrugged dropping his almost empty glass of wine on the Persian rug. "It was in senior year back in high school, I and the other seniors were coming back from a party, we were all drunk and we passed the speed limit, we were driving very fast and next thing we knew we were being chased by the cops.. They caught us and we spent a night in the cell. My parents were fucking furious." He explained laughing at the memory.

"So you were wild huh?" Hayden asked.

"I remember that day.. I and Ivory were worried that you had been kidnapped or something only for us to find out the next day that you got arrested." Georgia said and exchanged a knowing look with Ivory.

"And you Ash?" Nate asked.

"It's embarrassing actually." Ashley replied.

Ivory looked at him with both curiosity and amusement. "Let's hear it Ashley."

"Don't laugh at me pls.. I was 18 and I convinced my ex girlfriend to go skinny dipping in a public beach, unfortunately for us a fight broke out near the beach." Ashley stopped and noticed the amused and interested glances of his friends. "We were trying to get out the beach, naked and laughing when the cops stopped and arrested us.. Most embarrassing day of my life." He finished with a blush on his cheeks and his friends laughed.

"Did you at least put on your clothes?" Nate asked laughing.

"Just my swim shorts, gave my ex-girlfriend my shirt since she wore bikini to the beach." Ashley replied.

"Poor girl." Georgia commented.

"You are a daredevil huh?" Ivory teased.

"Guilty." Ashley replied smiling at her.

"So people saw Ashley Jnr? I bet it was small." Hayden said laughing loudly, almost in tears.

"Fuck off Hayden.. Trust me there's nothing junior about my dick not then and now." He fired back sticking up his middle finger.

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