😭~When You Returned From Your Trip~😭

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I packed my suitcase as I started humming a strange tune of a song. I was going back to Japan today...I get to meet him again...I miss him...My cheeks redden as I kept thinking of Bakugou, in his arms, us cuddling each other..

I sighed before a knock on my bedroom door was heard. I walked towards the door and opened it, revealing my mom with small bags underneath her eyes.

"Hello honey....may I come in?" Mother asks me, making me step aside for her to come in. She comes in and sits down on my bed. I sat next to her, feeling a little nervous on what she was about to say. Suddenly, I was engulfed with a bear hug given by my one and only mom.

"Oh, Y/N! I will miss you so much!!" Mother sobs into my t-shirt, making me pat her back in unison, trying to get her to calm down.

"Me too, mom..Me too.." I murmured, before I kissed the top of my mom's head. She lets go and wipes her eyes, making me giggle a little bit. My mom looks at me with a big smile, while I looked on her own eyes.

"Tell dad to get better...and oh, Bakugou told me to give this to dad..." I said, before pocketing the small money with rubber bands to hold them off. My mom's eyes widened, before she started crying again.

"Oh....Bakugou is such a sweet man...tell him thank you...Thank you very much....I will make sure to invite them over to dinner, me and Mitsuki have alot to catch up.."

You giggled by her comment, hugging her again.

"I will, mom..."


Bakugou scurries around the living room, cleaning this and that. God, there were so many dust everywhere...Bakugou grabs the mop, before aggressively mopping the floor.

Today was a Sunday, the day where Y/N will come back...All his other classmates were eating the breakfast he provided for them, happy that he was now being his old self. They were interrupted when he started screaming profanities at the mop..and the tea stain, which wouldn't come off.


His classmates chuckle, making him look at them with furrowed eyebrows. They all shut up and continued eating. Few minutes later, Bakugou managed to get the tea stain off of the ground.

Bakugou mops the floor one last time, before putting it on the janitor's closet. He goes to the dining room, grabs his pancakes and waffles, and started gobbling them down. Everyone was already done, and was going back to their rooms, some were on the living room just chilling, and maybe some were taking a bath.

Bakugou finishes his pancakes and waffles, before he grabs the other plates and washing them silently. He finished washing them, and put them on the dish cabinet.

Bakugou runs towards the elevator and presses the 3rd floor rapidly. Once the elevator dinged to signal his arrival, he immediately got off the elevator. He looked at the clock that was hanging on the corner. 9:30....You were going to be here at 11:30...Sweet...He had exactly 2 hours to get ready. He runs to his room, unlocking it with his key card. He grabs his towel and strips off of his clothes.(HOLY SHIT, GUYS! I JUST HAD A NOSEBLEED WHILE WRITING THIS! Hold on a sec....ok i'm back...God...Bakugou might be the death of me....)

He puts the towel around his waist, and rushes out the door, going toward the dorm showers, boys area. He arrives, shocked to see Izuku, Todoroki, Iida and Kaminari on the showers. He ignores them, and goes towards the stall next to Kaminari. He closes the door and hangs the towel on the rack. He turns the shower on and started scrubbing himself. (Lucky soap...Sana oil.....Before you ask, yeet...I'm a filipino...But, i speak english...sorry if I triggered you.)

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