In the Beginning...

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"Hey Shay! Wake up! Are you even listening?"

I am suddenly brought back to reality. My friend Stacey continues talking.

"It seems like your mind is alway wandering away these days. Anyway as I was saying..." and she rambles on.

I turn my head to quickly glance at a boy sitting across from me at another table. I catch a glimpse of his sharp jawline and lock of his blond curly hair that is mostly hidden underneath his hoodie. However, unbeknownst to me he is looking in my direction. I immediately look down and feel my  cheeks getting hot. We just made eye contact. 

Thankfully the bell rings. 

I slowly pack my bag as other people rush out the classroom before me. When I exit the room, Stacey is waiting by the door and we walk to our usual lunch spot together.

As I take out my lunch, she bombards me with a "Is it Noah?"

"No!" I reply with a laugh. "My standards aren't that low."

It's been a week since I told her that my crush went to our school. Stacey then proceeded to list every single guy who goes here.

"Ugh!" She said as she dramatically pretends to faint on the lunch table. "I now will never know who this man of your dreams is until your wedding day."

Stacey suddenly sits up straight. "But on a more serious note, is he in this lunch room right now?" and looks around. 

I also look around and I see him. He's in his usual corner with his friends. 

"No." I lie. "I don't see him."

As the end of the school day approaches, I wait outside the office to go home. 

As Stacey passes me she says "You are coming to the winter concert tomorrow  right? I mean you kind of have to."

"Yeah. I'll be there" I replied.

Then my mom steps out of the office. 

"Hi Ms. Ellis" Stacey says politely. "You better tell me who he is soon or I'm going to get my answer the hard way" She says to me in a threatening tone, laughs and walks out the building.

My mom is the vice principal at my school so participating school events is kind of mandatory for me. There are pros and cons of having your mom working at your school and that is not one of the pros. 

"So who is this boy that Stacey was talking about" my moms asked as we were on the road home. 

"Oh no one." and I looked out the window and smiled to myself.

The most randomest high school love story everWhere stories live. Discover now