Quotes 596

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"But you seemed fine?"

ah, see, but there's that word "seemed".
Yes I may have "seemed" fine, and yes
there may be a smile on my face at each
passing day, or a wave hello in the halls.
But I can guarantee you with every inch
of flesh in my being that there is absolutely
nothing "fine" about me. Seemed is a tricky
word you see, because things aren't always
exactly what they "seemed" to be.

I get way too sensitive when
I get attached to someone.
I can detect the slightest change
in a tone of their voice,
and suddenly I'm spending all
day trying to figure out what
I did wrong.

I don't think they realize how sleepless
nights can affect you or how overthinking
slowly kills you. I don't think they know
how it can turn your mind into thoughts
you wish weren't yours.

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