Order 66

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On Felucia, Aayla and Bly with the rest of the 327th Battalion make their way through the terrain. Aayla pulls out her binoculars and looks ahead. Bly walks up beside her.

Bly: See anything, General?

Aayla: No. But I believe our enemies will come into view soon. Best to have the men ready for battle.

Bly: Will do, General.

Bly noticed she looked troubled about something.

Bly: Is everything alright?

Aayla: I sense something troubling. But I don't know what it is. I fear that something terrible is about to happen.

Bly: Hopefully it's nothing.

Aayla: I hope so too.

Bly places a hand on her shoulder.

Bly: We've survived a lot and always managed to make it out. Don't worry, I'll always you're back, Secura.

She smiles at him. Then her communicator activates.

Hunter(radio): General Secura, come in. This is Hunter.

Aayla: What is it, Sargeant?

Hunter(radio)Your R3 unit has detected multiple droid signals on the move and heading your way.

Aayla: Copy that, Sargent. Standby for now and wait for my signal to engage.

Hunter(radio) Understood. Hunter out.

Bly: We better. call in for some air support.

Aayla: Agreed. I'll contact Cy.

Bly(chuckles) The kid will be excited to join the action.

Aayla: I'm sure he will, Bly.

On the Republic Command Cruiser above the planet, a young Jedi padawan was in the training room with two clones, both of which were Arc Troopers. He was training to deflect their stun blast. He missed one and got hit and fell to the ground.

Cy: Ow....

Hotshot: Too slow, Cy.

Cameron: Be glad these are set to stun or you would be toast.

Cy: Yeah....but it still hurts, Cameron

Hotshot helped Cy up.

Hotshot: You got too cocky.

Cy: Cocky? Nothing with being a little cocky, Hotshot.

Cameron: Maybe.

Cy: By the way, any word from Bly or Master Secura yet?

Hotshot: Commander Bly reported that they are surveying the area, but Clone Force 99 is luring the clankers towards their position.

Cy's wrist communicators beeps.

Cy: Speak of the devil. Go for Cy.

Aayla: Cy, we are about to engage the enemy. Have your troops ready on standby.

Cy: Copy that, master. Try and save me some droids to scrap.

Aayla(laughs) Will do, my young Padawan.

Cy contacts another clone trooper.

Cy: Apex, come in.

Apex: Yes, Commander?

Cy: Have the ships prepped and ready to head out.

Apex: Will do, sir. Apex, out.

Cameron: Finally. Can't wait to blast some clankers

Star Wars X SheRa: The Force Of Grayskullजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें