Chapter 9

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After landing, Darrius and Catra watched as their troops tended to wounded Horde soldiers and searched the destroyed Horde base. Darrius looked down and a HordeBot had slashed marks on it.

Darrius: Lightsaber and a sword marks.

Catra: Seems like Adora and the Jedi were here.

Darrius: Looks like it. But they couldn't have done all this alone....

Lonnie, Kyle and Rogelio approach them and stand at attention.

Darrius: What do you have to report?

Lonnie: We have multiple men down and few injured that were able to give a report of what happened here.

Catra: And that is?

Kyle: Seems a group of insurgence showed up and assisted the Rebels.

Catra: Anything else?

Rogelio: They said the insurgent known as Red Knight was here and left with the

Darrius: Red Knight?

Catra: He's been a thorn in the Horde's side for a long time now. If we capture him, it will be a major blow to the Etherian Resistance.

Darrius: Indeed. Prepare to search the area!

Further up a hill, two Rebels Scouts observed the Horde below in their once base.

Scout#1: Looks like Horde forces are back. We better get out of here before they find us.

The Scout used is scope and notice Darrius,

Scout #2: Wait hold on...The guy in the red armor and cloak, he's a Horde Commander.

Scout #1: Wait what?

The scout uses his binoculars and sees him.

Scout #1: Not just any Horde Commander....that's Darrius.

Scout #2: Darrius?! What the hell is he doing here? Reports said he was on the other side of Etheria.

Scout #1: Guess they called him back. This is our chance to take him out. Get your rifle ready.

The Scout takes aim, ready to take out Darrius. But suddenly Darrius looks in the Scouts. The Scout jumps back in shock.

Scout #1: What is it?

Scout#2: I think he sees us.....

Scout#1: Wha-

Virgil: Don't move!

The two rebels turned around and saw a small group of Horde soldiers led by Virgil.

Virgil: Drop your weapons, now.

The 2 rebels looked at each other nervously and did as they were told. Shortly after they were escorted to Darrius and Virgil pushed them to their knees. Darrius and Catra walked up to them.

Darrius: Based on your clothing, you two aren't with the Rebellion in Brightmoon.

Catra: So I guess they're with the criminal, Red Knight. He's been wanted by the Hrode for a while.

Scout #1: Criminal? He's trying to save Etheria from you Horde dogs! You're the criminals.

Virgil raised his rifle to the scouts head.

Virgil: I'd be careful of your next

The other scout looked at Virgil and saw his sidearm.

Darrius: You're going to take us to your leader. If not, then I'll execute one of you and hopefully the other will be as kind to tell us Knight's location.

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